Tuesday, May 22, 2012

That Summer...

So, in less than an hour, it will be my final day of my MayMester class. It was an exceedingly interesting class, but I have to say that I am glad to see it come to an end. However, after that my summer officially starts! Now, I don't really have too many concrete plans this summer other than work, just a few things here and there, so I am in the process of finding some things to fill up my extra time. Other than moving in to my apartment in a little over a week, I know I will start training to run a 5K, attempt to learn how to cook, and catch up on A LOT of reading that I did not have time for during the semester. I really love to read so I always hate when I can't do all the recreational reading I would like. BUT that's all I've got so far.I do have some craft projects that I want to do, and I might chronicle those here. I want to try and blog more this summer too, along with the other things. However, while I do have all of the projects and such that I would like to do, I can't help but think about all of the places I would like to travel to this summer.

The majority of my summers have been mediocre, nothing special really. The thing about that though, is that I haven't really noticed until now. I was thinking about it today, and I have never really had a summer where I can look back and say "Wow, that was great"! And maybe I'm thinking about it now because I don't know where I will be next summer, or if I will have the opportunity again to have one of those movie worthy summers. I want to have a summer that I can look back on and say that it was one of the best times of my life...

 I want to have that one summer to define all summers. The summer that is the epitome of adventure, and one where I feel like I really lived. The summer that made me feel so alive, that I could die knowing that, at least one time in my life that, I took full advantage of what life had to offer. I want that summer that, if I wrote it all down, would be a novel of sunshine and breezes, of laughter and stars, of waves and friends, of road maps and tress, of love and life. That summer that makes your heart race with excitement just to remember. It might be a summer of dreams, one that could only be accomplished in a state of sleep, but why not try? I want to go on the road trip I have always dreamed of. The one that goes across country, and stops at all the sites that I've wanted to see, and explore all those places that don't come with a brochure. I want to walk along the shore of an ocean with crystal blue water; the kind of blue that is so beautiful that you wonder if it's real. I want to climb mountains, and spend the night among the trees, crickets, and stars. I want to do something so terrifying, so exhilarating, that it feels like your heart might stop from pure excitement. That summer that inspires so many inside jokes, you would need a notebook to remember them all. The summer that your cheeks hurt everyday from laughter so hard that you cry. That summer, where rainy days are days to sit on the porch and read a book, or to curl up next to someone you care about. Or hell, the days that you make out with your significant other in the rain like no one is watching. I want to meet the people that you only thought existed in books, and the people that, with one conversation, can change the way you see the world. I want that summer that where I am surrounded by those I care about the most.

       I want a summer where I can really learn, live, and love.

                             I want that summer.