A Sentence A Day

So, I came across this interesting idea the other day to write down one sentence a day for an entire year that sums up that particular day. It could be in reference to how your day went, what you did, how you felt, what you thought etc. but there is no explanation required other than the one sentence. I liked the idea so I'm going to give it a go.

1/10/14: I wonder what will change, and what will stay exactly the same.
1/11/14: It's truly amazing how resilient and brave people can be.
1/12/14: Pooping is essential.
1/13/14: Face masks and Super Mario are a wonderful way to spend an evening.
1/14/14: 7 miles in great weather seemed too short a time to spend outside.
1/15/14: Geographically undesirable, party of one.
1/16/14: "I sound my barbaric YAWP over the rooftops of the world."
1/17/14: Online classes are both great, and troublesome.
1/18/14: PSA: Put your shit back where you found it.
1/19/14: I'd rather be hiking.
1/20/14: The worst part of trying on pants is having to retie your shoes multiple times in a short period of time.
1/21/14: Tuesday felt like Monday, but here's to hoping that Wednesday feels like Friday.
1/22/14: When the week is over I will need a long hug, and a good beer.
1/23/14: 500 boxes in 2 hours.
1/24/14: What is it about a fresh haircut that makes you feel like you could wrestle a bear?
1/25/14: Lather, rinse, repeat.
1/26/14: Just goes to show that all families have a little crazy to go around.
1/27/14: 'What if', is a question I will always have until I can say 'I tried'.
1/28/14: Snow, man.
1/29/14: I still have yet to get in the full swing of this semester, and it's about to bite me in the ass.
1/30/14: The ice needs to go!
1/31/14: Leatherwood is bay far one of the cooler last names I've heard.
2/1/14:  Red Robin makes two, count it two, different kinds of beer shakes.
2/2/14: Be true to what your heart really wants, and not to what your head fools you into thinking you want.
2/3/14: A house with a garden and a dog, please.
2/4/14: Job hunting is on the horizon.
2/5/14: Quality friend time, even though some essential people were missing, was the best medicine.
2/6/14: I caved and joined Snap Chat, and I'm sad to admit that I enjoy it.
2/7/14: The thirst is alive and well.
2/8/14: Working 30+ hours a week, plus 3 graduate classes, plus attempting to drop this last 15ish pounds, and all the while trying to spend time with my friends is starting to get the best of me.
2/9/14: 24hr Steak N Shakes and a 3 hour long catch up session.
2/10/14: Cards Against Humanity is such a bonding moment between people.
2/11/14: This day will go down in history as one of the most awkward days yet.
2/12/14: So many oatmeal cookies.
2/13/14: Mario party can make or break friendships.
2/14/14: I'm interested and curious, which makes it all the more exciting and terrifying.
2/15/14: Bill Murray and John Goodman are my heroes.
2/16/14: Well, now to recalculate.
2/17/14: Bicycle shopping is fun, yet a little confusing when you don't know all the jargon that goes with it.
2/18/14: Finally, the dreaded taxes are taken care of.
2/19/14: Half price appetizers.
2/20/14: Too much beer, and not enough good decisions were had.
2/21/14: Karma is biting me in the ass, but I can't say I don't deserve it.
2/22/14: So many mixed emotions for one day.
2/23/14: Feeling dizzy all day is a very strange sensation.
2/24/14: Let's just hope it's not strep.
2/25/14: To be honest, I got nothing.
2/26/14: Pretty much almost died last night.
2/27/14: Leisurely 2 hour stroll was long over due.
2/28/14: Excuse me while I add "I can make red velvet chocolate chip cookies" to my resume.
3/1/14: I didn't have much of a voice before going to Rocky Horror, and now I pretty much have no voice after it.
3/2/14: I feel like I've unlocked some sort of video game like achievement.
3/3/14: I've never met anyone so persistent to take me out on a date.
3/4/14: The lady doctor is never the fun doctor, but definitely the necessary one.
3/5/14: House hunting needs to start ASAP!
3/6/14: The sure fire way to get drunk in record time is a game of waterfall.
3/7/14: Well that was an interesting development.
3/8/14:  Purchasing a bathing suit top and bottom for less than the price of one of those items on their own is one of the biggest successes of the week.
3/9/14: Two good morning texts in a row can spoil a girl.
3/10/14: All smiles tonight folks.
3/11/14: The summer like weather today has me chomping at the bit to go swimming.
3/12/14: Next time I'll bring a change of clothes.
3/13/14: When the mind is preoccupied, being present is an issue.
3/14/14: Hopefully this will not be a one time thing.
3/15/14: Over-thinking should be my middle name.
3/16/14: Bad things really do come in threes.
3/17/14: Green beer and jelly beans galore.
3/18/14: Thankfully, most everything is cleared up.
3/19/14: It's always exciting when you see one of your favorite musicians live, and they sound better in person than they do on their CD's.
3/20/14: The diet comes back on Monday!
3/21/14: Being mistaken for an 18 year old when you are almost 24 can be slightly upsetting.
3/22/14: Ready for more pretty weather days like today.
3/23/14: Some days it feels as if my stomach is a bottomless pit.
3/24/14: I really just want someone to make out on a regular basis with.
3/28/14: Let the days of 'Get Shit Done' commence.
3/29/14: New project supplies purchased!
3/30/14: I should probably try to get more than 4 hours of sleep a night.
3/31/14: Wishing for more perfect weather days like today.
4/1/14: It's more than apparent that I need a new job.
4/2/14: My belongings are so spread out, I essentially live in four different places.
4/3/14: I need to come to terms with the fact that I'm a lightweight.
4/4/14: Seeing one of your guy friends in possibly one of the shortest pair of shorts that you own is priceless.
4/5/14: Dear sketchy man at work, giving me your number so I can come decorate your house will NOT be a thing.
4/6/14: New Captain America movie was pretty pro.
4/7/14: Procrastination is my best friend, and my worst enemy.
4/8/14: Sleep. who needs it?
4/9/14: Counting down the days until the end of the semester.
4/10/14: The number of times I have woken up in my friend's apartment would probably qualify me as their fourth roommate.
4/11/14: The wisteria and dogwoods are in full bloom, and I couldn't love it more.
4/12/14: Productive days are good days.
4/13/14: Windows 8 is just dumb.
4/14/13: After Thursday I will, basically, be done with this semester, and it can't come soon enough.
4/15/14: Distance might just be the best thing right now.
4/16/14: Hummus...so much hummus.
4/17/14: Final presentation complete!
4/18/14: There is a certain degree of satisfaction that comes with eating leftovers for breakfast.
4/19/14: I may never get tired of Johnny Depp.
4/20/14: Easter Sunday, mostly spent at work, but still a good day nonetheless.
4/21/14: Looking forward to a mini mountain vacation.
4/22/14: Bear cubs are ridiculously adorable.
4/23/14: My cat is more like a dog trapped in a cat's body.
4/24/14: Truck days are productive, yet sweaty, days.
4/25/14: Shift confusion at work that leads to you having the day off is both exciting and frustrating.
4/26/14: Spring graduation ceremonies are much more colorful than ones in the Fall.
4/27/14: Fondant is certainly an interesting food invention.
4/28/14: Possibilities of being promoted were discussed.
4/29/14: Long, yet productive, work days are good days in my book.
4/30/14: Just call me a day dreamer.
5/1/14: Is it just me, or did April just kind of...poof?
5/2/14: I hate that after I do any sort of workout, that I become ridiculously hungry.
5/3/14: Looking forward to my 3 days off next week.
5/4/14: My morning run was a bit like something out of a Disney movie.
5/5/14: Officially one month till I turn 24.
5/6/14: More trail time is definitely in order.
5/7/14: Note to self: do not operate a box cutter when angry.
5/8/14: Some serious friendship time outs might be in order.
5/9/14: Apartment hunting is a fine mixture containing equal parts of exciting and wildly disappointing.
5/10/14: Getting rather excited for some upcoming events.
5/11/14: Sometimes finding patience is rather difficult when dealing with coworkers.
5/12/14: First venture into strawberry picking this yeas was a success.
5/13/14: It's amazing how your taste buds change as you get older.
5/14/14: Running into old High School friends is both nice and very awkward.
5/15/14: The raspberry cheesecake cookies from subway are dangerously good.
5/16/14: Words can't fully sum up the evening, but it was definitely one that I won't forget.
5/17/14: Even with a change of plans, the day still turned out very well.
5/18/14: I always feel accomplished when I get to use the drill at work.
5/19/14: Long walks with good friends makes for a good day.
5/20/14: The Amazing Spiderman was actually pretty good in 3D.
5/21/14: Some days just aren't good sentence days.
5/22/14: Good to see family complete a big milestone.
5/23/14: Sometimes you just need to listen rather than speak.
5/24/14: Quasi bad news delivered casually just leaves you feeling blah.
5/25/14: Cheesecake, the breakfast of champions.
5/26/14:  Another one bites the dust.
5/27/14: Learned a bit more about Spiderman than I had anticipated for a Wednesday.
5/28/14: Watching a pet, even one that isn't technically your own, as their health declines is not easy.
5/29/14: While I still don't understand why my boss calls me Twilight, it was nice of him to let me leave early.
5/30/14: Excited to see the mountains and you.
5/31/14: Whip.Lash.
6/1/14: A wet foot makes for a slippery climb.
6/2/14: A lot of driving, a lot of calories, but not enough walking.
6/3/14: Despite a rather negative first impression, I'm still trying to keep an open mind about this professor.
6/4/14: Your rudeness, sir, won't get you anywhere.
6/5/14: Bringing in a busy 24th.
6/6/14: No doughnuts for this one today.
6/7/14: Note to self: when you are hungry don't fill up on tea before you get your meal.
6/8/14: For no real reason, today just felt really good.
6/9/14: Productivity day was a success.
6/10/14: Okay.
6/11/14: I may just need to accept that this is going to be a sleepy summer.
6/12/14: Lets add finding a new job to the to do list, shall we?
6/13/14: My plate is definitely full.
6/14/14: I feel like we should adopt the whole 'siesta' idea.
6/15/14: That GOT episode though.
6/16/14: Opted for a relaxed morning.
6/17/14: This friendship might not last much longer.
6/18/14: My friends can be utterly ridiculous, but they are wonderful and I love them.
6/19/14: Sometimes family can be disappointing, but it brings to light how important it is to support those they disappoint.
6/20/14: 23 days.
6/21/14: Starbucks is going to be my second home for the summer.
6/22/14: Apparently everyone at work is trying to leave.
6/23/14: Forever on the go.
6/24/14: One presentation and paper done!
6/25/14: Midterm time sucks, but at least it is a mark that the semester is halfway done.
6/26/14: Feeling a little lighter now that the apartment situation is close to being done.
6/27/14: Politics of any sort just aren't my cup of tea.
6/28/14: The motivation is starting to slip.
6/29/14: Some days are just meant to be lazy days.
6/30/14: Craving doughnuts all day.
7/1/14: Running becomes significantly harder when the farther you run, the more you have to poop.
7/2/14:  A pool would be perfect on a day like today.
7/3/14: I'm not all that great with kids, but I do know that is NOT how you hold a child.
7/4/14: I'm a little too excited about this new couch.
7/5/14: Pre-made tables are hard to put together when the tread for the bolts are pretty much nonexistent.
7/6/14: I have purchased all the bits for my bed, except for the bed itself.
7/7/14: I need a hair cut ASAP.
7/8/14: Just a few more weeks, and the semester will be over; reminder of the day.
7/9/14: Hopefully that needlessly long discussion I wrote lends itself to a good grade.
7/10/14: It's probably a good thing that this professor won't be teaching next semester.
7/11/14: The decision has been made, and weight lifted.
7/12/14: Still debating on if I should cut my hair.
7/13/14: Just waiting till 5.
7/14/14: Nickel Creek, and the cinnamon roll, simply put, were fantastic.
7/15/14: That meeting was a mixture of great insight, and extreme uncomfort.
7/16/14: Micromanaging, 9 times out of 10, just makes things more complicated.
7/17/14: No more classes for the summer!
7/18/14: Kids will go ham over some cookies and lemonade.
7/19/14: I desperately need a new wallet.
7/20/14: 2 classes complete, one more to go!
7/21/14: A long day and a long night await.
7/22/14: Sometimes you just need a uber girly day.
7/23/14: Today I owe a thanks to my rowdy cat, who was the only one who actually knew what time I was supposed to be at work.
7/24/14: Looking forward to a weekend away with you.
7/25/14: The maple doughnut, unlike the green apple, was very good.
7/26/14: A very hot and bug filled wedding, but fun nonetheless.
7/27/14: Arriving home after the long car ride was bitter sweet.
7/28/14: A total of 8 bowls, 8 plates, and 8 salad plates purchased for 40 dollars was the score of the day.
7/29/14: It's amazing how it can be so hot, so early in the morning.
7/30/14: Moving year after year has become rather tiresome.
7/31/14: I'm very much ready to move tomorrow, though I wish I had had time to finish my coffee table.
8/1/14: Moving all my furniture up stairs was not nearly as bad as anticipated.
8/2/14: Extended work hours makes for late evening grocery runs.
8/3/14: It's good to have friends who have access to a pool that is open 24/7.
8/4/14: Looks like more cold showers for the next couple of days.
8/5/14: Short work days are a nice change of pace.
8/6/14: Forever craving ice cream.
8/7/14: Quickly reminded how questionable that water is.
8/8/14: It's amazing the little things that you forget that you need to make mac and cheese.
8/9/14: You'd think since I feel so bad when I fall asleep while texting someone that I would try and prevent it more.
8/10/14: Big kid responsibilities lend themselves to big kid stresses.
8/11/14: With a $25 deposit, and a start up charge of $60, I may finally have hot water on Wednesday.
8/12/14: An evening of swimming and the perfect example of how bad of a swimmer I am.
8/13/14: 1 picture frame, 2 books, and 3 boxes of granola bars.
8/14/14: Too much pizza.
8/15/14: Cuddling my pillow while searching for the perfect cookbook.
8/16/14: Ready for autumn.
8/17/14: Thanks for the love tap to my car, sir.
8/18/14: The blazer was cute, but not $60 worth of cute.
8/19/14: I'll get the hang of this thing eventually.
8/20/14: A little walking and a little rain to end a weird day.
8/21/14: While this tid bit of info is nothing new, text books are stupid expensive.
8/22/14: The trash is out, and the dishes are clean.
8/23/14: True Life: I was almost in a horror movie.
8/24/14: My short torso forever making tops look weird.
8/25/14: I want to be someone who likes going to a gym, but I'm just not.
8/26/14: Somehow I feel like I've become the middle man.
8/27/14: Forever a lightweight.
8/28/14: Listening to your friends deciding which pictures to put on Tinder is wildly entertaining.
8/29/14: Slow Wendy's and school zones.
8/30/14: Ice cream, leisure walks, and great company.
8/31/14: More weekends such as this one should happen more often.
9/1/14: Cracker Barrel to end a pretty great camping trip.
9/2/14: Feeling sluggish all day due to some, though delicious, not so good for you food.
9/3/14: I desperately need to get back on my diet.
9/4/14: Honking and/or cat calling from strangers while trying to walk is neither flattering or cute.
9/5/14: I was excited to do laundry in my apartment today until I found out that it still doesn't work.
9/6/14: Kale chips weren't all that they are cracked up to be.
9/7/14: Attempting to get back into the swing of things.
9/8/14: Rickety ladders make for rather precarious climb.
9/9/14: Walked through a spiderweb and just barely missed running into the huge spider that built it.
9/10/14: The body is a weird and fascinating thing.
9/11/14: It's does no good to compare yourself to others seeing as it's never fair to either party.
9/12/14: One day I will invest in a nice emerald ring, but sadly that day is not today.
9/13/14: And the hunt for Christmas gifts begins.
9/14/14: A busy, and slightly frustrating, work day, but worth it considering who I get to see at the end of it.
9/15/14: Nowhere near enough steps were taken.
9/16/14: I miss already as well babe!
9/17/14: Itching to get out of the monotony.
9/18/14: Forever wanting fresh flowers.
9/19/14: Feeling extra introverted, but productive nonetheless.
9/20/14: All work and no play, makes for a very dull and boring me.
9/21/14: A bit over priced, but that spice grinder was beautiful.
9/22/14: I laid in bed for most of the morning, and I'm not sorry about it.
9/23/14: Autumn is here, and I couldn't be more excited.
9/24/14: The scale doesn't say so, but I feel like I've gained weight...
9/25/14: A group of 9 for Card Against Humanity proved to be interesting.
9/26/14: It never fails that my boobs prevent me from purchasing the clothes that I want.
9/27/14: I miss having a dog.
9/28/14: It's been a very long time since I've had ice cream cake.
9/29/14: I miss you already, but I'm happy to know that I will get to see you at the end of the week.
9/30/14: One seat for the frustration station train today.
10/1/14: Hopefully I will get everything done.
10/2/14; I wish I got 15000 steps more regularly.
10/3/14: Soggy shoes make for a squishy work day.
10/4/14: The wedding was nice, but it reaffirmed my feelings on them in general.
10/5/14: Good thing my car has a plastic body.
10/6/14: Note to self: get a library card.
10/7/14: I got to see Maze Runner, but I wish I could have spent a few more hours with you instead.
10/8/14: Welcome back to reality.
10/9/14: The sweatpants are on and I am done for the day.
10/10/14: Yup, that definitely just happened.
10/11/14: Pizza and a movie night in is this introverts best remedy.
10/12/14: Why do emerald rings have to be so expensive?
10/13/14: I will get over it eventually.
10/14/14: Keeping an open mind just got a bit more difficult.
10/15/14: A chill in the air was much welcomed today.
10/16/14: This probably makes me a bad HP fan, but I'm rather apprehensive about these new movies I keep hearing about.
10/17/14: Caught two toads on the hike.
10/18/14: I always think about cutting my hair short, but i don't know if I could actually go through with it.
10/19/14: Operation lose at least ten more pounds starts tomorrow.
10/20/14: How about we make that operation lose at least ten more pounds start tomorrow instead.
10/21/14: I wish I could get 11,000 steps before noon everyday.
10/22/14: Finished that paper with 2 minutes to spare.
10/23/14: The Shins song, New Slang, on repeated today please.
10/24/14: I take too many pictures of my cat.
10/25/14: My coworkers perceptions of me are interesting.
10/26/14: 6 miles, and a new craft idea.
10/27/14: I'm really starting to notice these few pounds that I've gained back.
10/28/14: Waking up at 8 consistently is actually rather nice.
10/29/13: Even though though I still have a year and a half left until I finish Grad school, I am very close to being done.
10/30/14: The washer is here!
10/31/14: Well, that was rather concerning.
11/1/14: Dat wind doe.
11/2/14: Whelp, that happened.
11/3/14: My morning walks are just reiterating how much I want a dog.
11/4/14: That hawk was more interested in the food it was hunting than it was in me.
11/5/14: Dear body, it would be great if you didn't get sick.
11/6/14: The rain is an easy deterrent not to get up early to walk.
11/7/14: Atlanta traffic at night is no fun.
11/8/14: I wish I lived here.
11/9/14: Two words: cinnamon knots.
11/10/14: More than ready for the semester to be over.
11/11/14: Maybe this makes me mushy, but I really hated leaving.
11/12/14: At least I, pretty much, have one less class to worry about.
11/13/14: Cold days require good comfort food.
11/14/13: That estimate was quite a bit higher than I had expected.
11/15/14: Dirty dishes are no good.
11/16/14: Waking up next to you is a good way to start the morning.
11/17/14: The countdown till thanksgiving break is on!
11/18/14: Looks like I will be spending Christmas solo this year.
11/19/14: It's hard not go be defensive in such situations.
11/20/14: Well, that visit went much better than anticipated.
11/21/14: Breakfast should be acceptable for every meal of the day.
11/22/14: I should have put my laundry in earlier.
11/23/14: Constant rain on the drive up, but a good drive nonetheless.
11/24/14: Nearly taken out by the wind.
11/25/14: Of course, Mockingjay was very good.
11/26/14: 2 hour long drives aren't so bad when you're driving through the mountains.
11/27/14: I wish I would have brought some apple cider doughnuts home with me.
11/28/14: It's no fun discovering your headlights are out when driving home at night
11/29/14: The extra hour was definitely needed.
11/30/14: This apple butter though.
12/1/14: The weather has me yearning to go camping.
12/2/14: I think I'm just going to take that comment as a complement.
12/3/14: Random dude creeping in Walgreens was a little concerning.
12/4/14; Classes are finally done, and I can relax.
12/5/14: I might have been able to get more done, had someone not question every move I made.
12/6/14: I am now a little self-conscious to say the word 'essentially'.
12/7/14: On the road again.
12/8/14: That was a damn fast response.
12/9/14: It has arrived!
12/10/14: I really need to get my Christmas shopping done.
12/11/14: Those dreams were definitely a product of evening conversations.
12/12/14: Friday, you and I are not friends.
12/13/14: Those who wear ugly Christmas sweaters in a non-ironic way are the best.
12/14/14: I have no clue how that cover on my car got broken.
12/15/14: I should have been more productive on my day off.
12/16/14: Getting off an hour earlier than expected was much welcomed!
12/17/14: It all makes sense now.
12/18/14: At least I kept busy.
12/19/14: I still don't quite know where I'm going to take you for our date babe.
12/20/14: I'm glad the chair didn't break.
12/21/14: It was good to see my brother and sister in law, even if it was only for a short while.
12/22/14: Very much enjoyed seeing A Christmas Carol preformed live.
12/23/14: I really do not understand why people steal home decor items.
12/24/14: A Christmas Eve full of cribbage strategy, beautiful gifts, and I'm so glad I got to do those things with you, babe.
12/25/14: That movie sold out quick.
12/26/14: I wish I were waking up to you this morning.
12/27/14: Looks like a night in then.
12/28/14: I think everyone should work retail at least once.
12/29/14: I hope the lady from the post office is ok.
12/30/14: A very slow, but very relaxed day at work.
12/13/14: Looking forward to ringing in the new year with you!
January 2015
1/1/15: To make New Years resolutions or not, that is the question.
1/2/15: I know I will see you in a week, but I still don't like seeing you go.
1/3/15: Exceedingly dense fog does not make for an enjoyable drive home.
1/4/15: A double shift wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.
1/5/15: One last binge.
1/6/15: This class has too many unnecessary components.
1/7/15: I really need to figure out something to do for this blog...
1/8/15: Got up early to give blood, but went to the grocery store instead.
1/9/15: Well, giving up sugar also means giving up Metamucil.
1/10/15: We end this Sentence A Day with a fantastic Steep Canyon Rangers show.

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