Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I'm warning you now. This may or may not be TMI. Depending on if you care to read about sex or not, read on or just disregard this post. Or just skip to the bottom and watch/listen to the song at the end of this.

I apologize in advance.

So more than once in the past few days my sex life has been brought up in conversation...and not by me. I've noticed that a good number of my friends have a fairly active sex life (or at least they try to have an active sex life) and they have no qualms talking about it. I'm not a prude really in any sense, so I don't mind hearing/talking about it, and I really have no opinion on how frequently they have sex.

However...they apparently have an opinion about how frequently I have sex.

I will go ahead and say that I am not a virgin. I never really made the choice to actively have a sex life, nor did I make the choice to stay a virgin until I got married. I told myself that I would wait until it felt right to me, and that only then would I make that choice. If it felt right to wait, I would, if not, that would be OK too. I didn't want to pressure myself in adhering to one or the other. With everything in perspective, I don't regret having sex. It felt right, so it happened. End of story.

The other thing is that I've never had sex (or done more than just kissing) with anyone that I wasn't in a relationship with or had some sort of feelings for. Again, not by choice really, but just because it never felt right any other time, but I've always been ok with that. I've never really had the urge or the need to go and have sex with just anyone, but that's just me. This is a fact that, apparently, is a foreign idea to some of my friends.

It's been almost a year since then end of my last relationship, and so that time equals about how long its been since I've last had sex. I'm really not bothered by this, however a few of my friends are. One person in particular looked like I had just hit his puppy with a baseball bat when he found out how long it had been. He even offered me a freebie because of how long it had been. -__- Number 1. What?! 2. No. 3. If I REALLY REALLY needed/wanted I wouldn't need to ask for a freebie. I'm not being conceited, but I feel like most people, if they really wanted, know someone who could fulfill that urge/need. And 4. NOOOOOOOOOO! The sad thing is he was not the only one to have this reaction.

I just do not understand this level of shock. First, it's my sex life...not yours. If you want to have sex with anyone, whenever...fine. If not, that's cool too. I don't care, just be safe and use a condom. Personally, I just don't put sex on the top of my priority list. If it happens, cool. If not, that's ok too...not a big deal. I really just do not understand that kind of reaction. I think someone even said "I'm so sorry"......Wait. Did I ask for an apology? Do I seem sad about it?....No, so please do not apologize. I'm sorry that this apparently shocks and awes you so much, but I really do not care. I've just learned that I'm a person that doesn't make that a first priority. In reference to affection, I miss holding hands and cuddling more that I do sex. Maybe, that makes an alien, but that's ok by me. Welcome to my planet, earthling.

I've been kind of obsessed with John Mayer's newest album lately. Here are a couple songs.
Shadow Days-John Mayer. I also love this video in part for the scenery. There are some pretty beautiful places in this video.

Age of Worry- John Mayer