Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Spontaneity

If there is one thing I can say that I love, it's adventure. I love getting out and doing something a little unexpected or unplanned for. This weekend, while it wasn't exceedingly crazy, was indeed fun and spontaneous. It began with my roommates and I deciding to go out to see a movie in Alpharetta at Studio Movie Grill. If you've never been, it a theater that serves you dinner during the movie. You sit at these fun little tables, and you can order various kinds of drinks and a good variety of food all throughout the movie. There was a Groupon for a movie ticket and drink for $5, and considering what movies cost now, we thought that was a pretty awesome deal, and decided we would make a night of it and drive out that way. On the drive there, we saw a sign for Dahlonega and I mentioned how much I like the area and how much fun it would be to go. I then jokingly made the comment that after the movie we could just rent a hotel and spend the next day in Dahlonega. To my surprise, both of my roommates agreed with me that it would be fun to do. So, we talked about it a little more, but didn't decide on anything. Then a little bit later we arrive at the theater, and we brought up the idea again while we were waiting for things to get rolling. We all were getting excited by the idea, and we decided that when the movie was over we would make our decision. So, then 2 hours later the movie ends and we all look at each other and say lets do it! This is the kind of thing you're supposed to do in your early 20's, right? So, we then go to the car and proceed to call all of the local hotels around Dahlonega to check for vacancies and prices. Afterwards we set of to the hotel and after stopping at a local CVS to pick up things like deodorant and a toothbrush and toothpaste, we arrive there around 1:30am to settle in for the night. The next morning we grab some hotel breakfast, shower, and get ready for the day ahead of us. We just spent the day wandering around downtown Dahlonega, spending most of our time in antique shops, and making friends with the local dogs and their owners. I didn't end up getting too much only because the things I wanted were too expensive. I did purchase some old WW2 photographs that I will put it another post.

Anyway, I love weekends such as this. It's fun, and a reminder that it's important to make the most of the time you have. There can be fun waiting for you just around the corner if you just embrace it! 

Anywhoooo here are some photos of things I found this weekend.  
This adorable tea cup! 
Absolutely beautiful table and bench. If I had the money and the house, this would have been purchased.
Awesome luggage set and hat that I found. I spent a good minute walking around wearing this hat while carrying the top bag. It was a struggle not to buy this. 
A frighteningly large portrait of Rhett Butler.
My boots that were....not made for walking around Dahlonega all day. Good for a night out though.