Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Reality of Growing Up.

It has been brought to my attention recently that I am, in fact, growing up. I'm starting to have to make these semi-adult decisions about where I am going to go after I graduate college, what kind of job I want, where I want to live, what kind of dog I will get when I have the know...that sort of thing.
It's a very strange experience. I don't feel like I'm old enough to be having to make these decisions, but recently I have been trying to find the answers to these grownup questions.

I will be graduating soon (*hopefully*) with a bachelors degree in Anthropology. What do I want to do with that, you ask?....nothing. Yeah, I'm getting a degree in a field that I don't really want to go in to full time. The story behind that is kind of long, but basically I found out a bit too late that I didn't want to be an anthropologist, or anything of the sort. I find the subject very interesting, but I don't think it's the career path for me. So, when people find out this little tid bit of info, then next question usually is, well...what do you want to do then? Good question. That is one of the things I have been asking myself. Now, I dabble in photography, and those who know me then usually assume that I want to purse that as my career. I thought I might want to go into that field, but I'm starting to think that I would rather keep that for myself. I'm starting to find that the more I force myself to do "professional" jobs, I beat myself up over the result and it, at times, causes me more worry than it does anything else. I like taking photos for friends, so I won't stop doing that, but I think I would rather keep this as a hobby. So, what AM I going to do? Well, I've been thinking about going into counseling. It's something I had thought about before, but didn't really look into it too much. Over the past few years, I have held a job that has, at times, put me in a kind of counseling role, which I have found that I really enjoy. I like helping people, which I know sounds like a fortune cookie response, but it's the truth. SO with this, I have been having to look at Graduate school, something I NEVER thought I would do. I will probably end up staying at my current university for Grad school due to a few different reasons. Sadly, the biggest reason being that it will be cheaper for me to stay where I am. I looked at possibly applying to Oregon State University's counseling program, but sadly I know I a could not afford to go out of state. I've never been to Oregon, but I always had this kind of day dream of living there, or possibly Washington. Which, if you want to see video that will make you want to move to Washington tomorrow, watch this:

So with this, it has lead me to think about where I might want to end up. Where do I want to live once I have figured out what I'm going to do with my life? Now, this isn't necessarily a question that has to be answered right away, but it's something I should think about. Do I want to stay in Georgia, or do I want to try and go out of state? Do I possibly want to try and move out to Oregon, or Washington, or somewhere of the like? I have a tendency to day dream, so I've had these images running through my head about where I see myself in a few years. It usually ends up with me living in or near the mountains, in a small house with a garden with some extra land, and a dog. Sometimes there is a boy included in that, but I can't really control that part of my life. I would like to be able to share this with a boyfriend/husband or whatever, but that's not really something you can plan. I can hope I will find someone to share this with, but that's another blog post for another day. Now, as for a dog, I'm itching to get one. I have had this bad habit recently of searching around town at different dogs. I LOVE big dogs, so as for a specific breed I'm not sure about. However, the top three breeds I have been looking at a lot lately have been Huskies, Great Danes, and Great Pyrenees, which if you don't know what a Great Pyrenees looks like, just imagine a Polar Bear in dog form.

But anyway, this has been the kind of theme of my life as of late. I'm not sure exactly how things will pan out, but it will interesting to see.

Monday, February 20, 2012

yeah...another video.

I realize that I post videos a lot. I recognize and accept this about myself.

I really hope this is a true story because it's pretty funny.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lollipop Moment

I thought this was a pretty awesome TED talk. So, I thought I would share.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Inspiration Deficiency

So it's been a while since I have written anything. Now, this is not to say that I haven't started a good many blog posts, because I have. I have started some, then deleted them. I have completed some, then after reading them, decided that they didn't convey my thoughts properly, or thought they were too personal. Who knows, I may even delete this one after I am finished.

I have noticed an unfortunate pattern as of late. That pattern being that I have been having a lack of inspiration lately. I don't know if it comes from feeling to forced to be creative, or if I have just been pushing too many personal and work/class projects together, but its really starting to get to me. I don't consider myself a "artist" I don't think my work is really worthy or that title, but I would rather say I'm a participant in the art process, and lately, my participation grade has only been so so. I'm currently taking two art classes and I haven't really been feeling the spark of inspiration. I can't seem to produce anything that I'm really proud of. Now, I have only had one project in both of these classes so I could have some sort of come back, and be struck with the inspiration stick, but for now it's nowhere to be found. Even in my personal projects, I have not been happy with the product. I have been trying to edit some engagement photos for a bit of time now, and I'm just not particularly happy with the photos I'm producing. I have had other people talk to me about possibly want me to take some photos for them, and as of right now, I don't really have much faith in my ability to do so.

I'm not quite sure how to wash away this funk. I've been debating if I just need to get away; go on a mini vacation, take a short trip, go for a long hike, or maybe just go home for a weekend (although I don't think that would clear my head any). Anyway, I'm going to try and keep positive, and just hope that I can shake this funk.

On a different note, for those out there that are fans of the Hunger Games series, this song by Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars has been released. Now, normally I am not a fan of Taylor Swift, BUT I am a big fan of the Civil Wars, and if feel like they have a stronger influence on the song, even though Taylor is the main voice on it. 
And here is one of my favorite songs by The Civil Wars if you want to check them out.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I posted this a bit ago, but I accidentally deleted it so I'm posting it again.