So this week as been spring break for my university, and it's been rather uneventful. I went home for a few days which consisted of me showing a friend of mine around my home town, playing Super Mario Brothers and Super Smash Brothers Brawl, eating cupcakes, and tormenting my cat. However, I did discover a wonderful candle! It's called Emberlight by Yankee Candle and it smells exactly like a campfire AKA one of the best smells on the planet. I refrained from buy it...for now. I'm holding back on my candle/incense purchases till I know for sure if I'm getting an apartment (which has been an unfortunate source of stress lately). The only downside to this Emberlight candle would be that my room would constantly smell like it's burning down...oh well, I can look past that.
Other than my candle discovery, I have spent the majority of my break working on art projects. I have been staying in my room on campus so I can use the art building to work on my ceramics project, which is coming along a bit better than my first project in that class. I'm crossing my fingers that it continues that way seeing as I'm not finished just yet. I have to say that I really enjoy the campus when its empty. There is an air about it that is really nice. The only downside is that after a while, living in a building completely void of any human life gets a bit creepy after a while. Every noise that comes from outside of my room, immediately has me searching for a weapon that I could use to fight with against whatever zombie, big foot, or lochness monster lies outside of my room. Luckily, I have not yet mistaken the random maintenance man, or campus cop for any of those things...yet.
And that basically sums up my break so far. I did finally watch The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. Not to shabby of a movie, but a lot more nakedness than I had expected.
And this... Bon Iver's cover of I can't make you love me.
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