Sunday, July 29, 2012

Theoretical Chickens

I have gotten into the bad habit lately of researching things that I have no ability to currently put into motion. Most of these things require a good bit of yard space, and I am very much lacking in that. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment on the third floor of my complex...needless to say there is no such thing as a backyard where I am at, and to boot, I am probably a good way away from being at the point in my life where I can have enough green space to do these things. I'm on the good ole Pinterest and I have a whole board dedicated to the garden I hope to have at some point in my life. I have looked up varying flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and fruits and what best conditions to grow them in. I also like to look at tool/potting sheds where I could store all of my garden tools and equipment, and I've looked at DIY projects for a garden.

May I remind you that I have NO space whatsoever to have anything that even remotely resembles a garden. I thought, maybe my town might have a community garden I can take part in, so I poked around the internet and found.......none.

THEN I have also been looking at the process of bee keeping. I've been reading about how you can start up your own hives and what kind of things you need to get started. I've even looked up how to make different kinds of honey.

Did I tell you I don't have a backyard to keep bees....or a garden?

So even with this knowledge what am I doing now? Looking at chicken coops... and chickens... and how to raise chickens.

For some time now I have been playing with the idea of having chickens. I've known a few people who have had them and have only heard good things about owning them. Not only about the benefits of being able to have home grown, fresh eggs, but that they are great pets as well. I read an article the other day where a woman said that she has one chicken that will follow her around the the house and who likes to be held. They are also a great teaching aid for children. I don't know if I want children, so I'm not sure that's a selling point for me, but I'm sure my brother will have kids so they can learn from my theoretical chickens. He's a kid person so he's bound to have one or two offspring. Also, there are some really awesome chicken coops out there. Oh, and chicken tractors. Yeah...that's a thing.

I found this coop, which the man who built it calls it his midlife crisis. Inside there is a chandelier. If you want to read how he built it, here is the link

Also, there are some really cool chicken breeds out there like the Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam that looks like this

And the White Silky Bntam that looks like this
And the Appenzeller Spitzhauben that looks like this
And last but certainly not least the Golden Laced Polish that looks like this
I mean who wouldn't want some of these roaming your backyard????

Oh, but did I mention that I have no space to have chickens? No? Well, I don't.

Clearly I keep forgetting that I don't live in the Shire.

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