Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble Gobble TURKEY!

If there is anything that I have learned about Thanksgiving, it's that if you go anywhere on Thanksgiving day, by yourself, you instantly get looks that could only equate to be saying "Aww, bless her heart". Which if you are from the south translates to, "Aww, how sad, but I'm so glad it's not me"! Needless to say I have gotten a few of those looks today. I'm spending this holiday alone, because I had to work. Now, I choose to work on Thanksgiving, in part because it's not my most favorite of holidays (nothing personal, just not a fav), but mostly because I desperately need money considering that I will be graduating in about 2 weeks, and  that my graduation day just also happens to coincide with my impending unemployment. Down side of working on campus. Anyway, I don't particularly mind being alone on this holiday. Granted, don't get me wrong, I would love to be spending time with my family, but I just don't mind being by myself. It's a little lonely, but nothing grandly upsetting. Now, when Christmas comes, there is not question I will be with my family, but for now my lone Thanksgiving consists of watching Abrham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, eating some dressing that I made, then watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving before getting in a nap before work at midnight.

So, to all of you out there, Happy Thanksgiving and eat a piece of pumpkin pie for me!

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving as an Adult-Mike Falzone (aka my soul mate) :p

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