Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh the times, they are a changin'...

Well, it's the last week of the semester. To be precise, I have 3 more days until the last day of classes, and 5 days until my last day of work, and it's all kind of bitter sweet.

I more than welcome the end of this semester in the sense that this year has been rough. A lot of changes happened this year, and while all of these changes were not all bad (some were extremely welcomed) they definitely tested me. I have had a good few hurtles to overcome, but they have made me stronger in the end. I know now that I can handle much more than I had once thought, and that is a welcomed realization. On the flip side, I am MORE than ready for a break. I am ready for things to settle down a bit. I do have a Maymester class that will start in a little over a week, but after that no classes for the rest of the summer! After this summer then I will officially start my last semester of my undergraduate career! It's both exciting and... slightly terrifying. I do not feel like I am old enough to be graduating ( I'm only 21! ...22 on June 5th). It seems that college has flown by, and part of me is wondering where I was while it was happening. In ways, I am not ready to graduate, but in others I welcome it with open arms. I actually would have graduated this semester, but I was put back by some changes that happened with my department. So, I will be going to graduation this year, but it will be to support my friends that made it through. One friend in particular I have known since 9th grade, and she was also my freshman year roommate. It will be bitter sweet to see her graduate, but I am so happy that I will be able to be there for her.

 I also will be starting my new job in May which I'm happy about. It's not a super fancy job or anything, but it will be something to pay for gas to put in my car. It will be weird not returning in the fall as an RA. I've done it for a while now (this will conclude my 3rd year) and it has become very familiar to me. I know that I might not always sound like I enjoy my job, but I really have learned so much from it. I've met some really great people, and some not so great people. However, there are some that I feel really lucky to have met, and I hope to keep these friendships in the long term.

To boot with all of this, I signed my first lease! I'm excited to have an apartment, but I know it will be weird too. In all of my college career, I have never had my own bathroom, or a kitchen at that. I'm excited to start cooking more, and having some kick ass movie nights. I will be moving in at the beginning of June, and overall I'm pretty excited.

So, things are changing...let's see what this new adventure has in store!

I've decided that I'm going to make putting videos at the end of each post a thing....yeah, it's a thing now.
The Cinematic Orchestra- To Build A Home

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