Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post Christmas Ramblings

Well, Christmas has come and gone, but it was a good one! I've been kind of amazed at how fast December has gone by. I feel like at one moment it was Halloween and then I blinked and then POOF..... Christmas was here.

I've spent the majority of my holiday up in Tennessee with my grandparents. Luckily, I was also able to make it out to my other grandparents out in Virginia on Christmas Eve. Due my granddads rapid memory loss no one can really visit much,because he doesn't remember us anymore, and because of this it stresses him out when people are there for over a period of time. It's sad, but I'm glad I got to see both of my grandparents, and the rest of the family that is out that way.

But other than the usual holiday activities, I've just been spending time with family. On Sunday myself, my mother, and my aunt and uncle, decided to hike up House Mountain. I was very excited to hike, since I hadn't been able to for a while, and I had never been up house mountain, I had only ever seen it from my grandparents front porch. So, we started around 2 which was fine considering it was cloudy and around 50 degrees. We had a good pace to start with, but as we got further my mother and I slowed down a bit. Being significantly shorter than my aunt and uncle (and not as in shape), we hung a little further back. I slowed down to keep my mother company, and to be there if she needed help. The trail itself, was for the most part up hill, with what I would say is a very narrow path, and was SUPER rocky. With it being so rocky, that's what slowed me down a lot. I am not the most sure of foot, and after falling a time or two after not paying attention to where was putting my feet, I tend to take rocky paths a lot slower than I used to. In a few areas, the rocks were so big I had to climb over them because my legs were too short to reach. At one point, I had to stop and rest because I started to get very dizzy. I knew it was due to a lack of drinking enough water. So that was my fault, I know better, but it just didn't cross my mind, and I forgot my water bottle. Then as I was resting, it started to rain pretty good, which made my decision to forgo going to the top, but to turn around. The trail was already a bit muddy in places from previous rainfall, and I knew there was a storm on the way. So, as we made our way back down, the rain continued to fall making the trail muddy, and the rocks very slick. I slipped a few times, but luckily was always able to catch my balance. Surprisingly  there were a good number of people on the trail that day. Met one fellow who decided to make the hike sans shoes. I hope that worked out for him. I didn't expect to see so many on a cloudy, rainy day, but I guess great minds think alike :)
The view from House Mountain
Avett Brothers- Sanguine

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Living a life of meaning

So, since I've finished my degree, it is inevitable that one receives the question "what are you going to do now"? I give them a kind of vague response that goes something like " I'm looking for any job right now, and then going to look at big kid jobs and possibly graduate school" and hope that is sufficient enough. Now, this is my plan, but as far as what I REALLY want to do....I'm not quite sure. I've looked into things I would like to do, but I keep going back to one question....what is the purpose of this job? What does this actually do? Does it even mean anything? And that's where I get stuck.

I know this probably sounds cliche, but I want to do something that really means something. I want to do something that has an impact on someone or something. I want to do something that I am proud of, that I feel actually made an impact. I long to do something that is exciting and fulling to my life, rather than just my wallet. I feel like too often people are driven into positions that are just beneficial financially, and in that process loose a bit of who they are and loose site of how grand the world can be, or how much meaningful impact one person can have. I want my life to be rich, not in money but in experiences, adventures, in smiles, and change. I don't want to site idle by, and just watch my life float away on a breeze. I don't want my life to be reduced to only thinking about how to make more money, but I want to think about how I can make life for myself and others better and more bright. When I'm old , I want to have stories that are so sensational that my grandchildren question if they are even real. I just want to live my life in a way that has meaning. I've lost some sleep pondering this. Not stressing about it, but just reading, and researching how I can make this my reality, and just a 22 year olds far fetched idea of what her life could be like.

I understand how silly that might sound, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it lately.

Now, to get off of my rambling, I leave you to your regularly scheduled program.

Noah Gundersen- Middle of June

Sunday, December 16, 2012

So it's been a minute....

It's been quite some time since I've written anything, and for that I apologize. The last few weeks of the semester were hectic to say the least, and then after graduation I went AWOL for a bit. Oh, and yes...I officially graduated. I've tried to write a few different posts, but I just can't seem to find the right words for what's been going through my head. One of these days I will get it together and let you in, and hopefully that will be soon. However, I thought I would just check in and leave you with some good music I've been listening to lately.

Noah Gundersen- Caroline (pretty much have been listening to this on repeat)
Noah Gundersen- Jesus, Jesus 
Noah Gundersen- Fire (Notice a trend?)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Break time!

Ok, I'm taking a short break from studying to share this little tid-bit with you. I stumbled across this, and I must say I'm very excited for it. So, if you can head here and donate to help fund this awesome project! Enjoy!

As I read more and more about backpacking trips like this, the more I really want to go on one. More on that in another post!