Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Living a life of meaning

So, since I've finished my degree, it is inevitable that one receives the question "what are you going to do now"? I give them a kind of vague response that goes something like " I'm looking for any job right now, and then going to look at big kid jobs and possibly graduate school" and hope that is sufficient enough. Now, this is my plan, but as far as what I REALLY want to do....I'm not quite sure. I've looked into things I would like to do, but I keep going back to one question....what is the purpose of this job? What does this actually do? Does it even mean anything? And that's where I get stuck.

I know this probably sounds cliche, but I want to do something that really means something. I want to do something that has an impact on someone or something. I want to do something that I am proud of, that I feel actually made an impact. I long to do something that is exciting and fulling to my life, rather than just my wallet. I feel like too often people are driven into positions that are just beneficial financially, and in that process loose a bit of who they are and loose site of how grand the world can be, or how much meaningful impact one person can have. I want my life to be rich, not in money but in experiences, adventures, in smiles, and change. I don't want to site idle by, and just watch my life float away on a breeze. I don't want my life to be reduced to only thinking about how to make more money, but I want to think about how I can make life for myself and others better and more bright. When I'm old , I want to have stories that are so sensational that my grandchildren question if they are even real. I just want to live my life in a way that has meaning. I've lost some sleep pondering this. Not stressing about it, but just reading, and researching how I can make this my reality, and just a 22 year olds far fetched idea of what her life could be like.

I understand how silly that might sound, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it lately.

Now, to get off of my rambling, I leave you to your regularly scheduled program.

Noah Gundersen- Middle of June

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