Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Medical shit....

If there is something that I've never been good at, it's going to see a doctor when I should. I don't think seeing a doctor is a bad investment, or waste of time, but I just always assume whatever is ailing me at the time will pass with a little rest and orange juice  Then if I ever actually do go to the doctor, I usually downplay my symptoms. It's not to seem strong or tough, but just because I don't really see it as a big deal.

However, for a while now I've had this certain thing going on, that I haven't done too much about. I saw a doctor a few years ago about this issue, but I didn't push the subject too much. They said all was fine, and so I went about my business. But now...4+ years later and the problem has only gotten worse. I revisited the doctor once in this time.We didn't run any test, but they told me that I was probably ok. So, since then I've had this kind of inner struggle with feeling like something is wrong, and going on with what the doctor has said. I struggle with being persistent on the issue, because if there is nothing wrong, then I will feel silly for having pushed the issue, but if I don't and there is something wrong, it will only cause more problems later.
So, I'm kind of in this strange stage of limbo of my feelings towards whatever it is that is going on. I've made another appointment about the issue, and I hope I can get some more concrete details about what it is that is going on, but until then I will be doing a little bit of family medical history, considering I have family members that have had a similar issue. See if that helps at all....Anyway....moral of this story is that I hate dealing with medical stuff....I don't know what to do with it.

However, if there is anything I know in all of this is that, looking up your symptoms on the internet only leads to you believing that you are infested with cancer that results in you spouting a third arm, and simultaneously opening Pandora's Box.                                 Don't  do it.

Jose Gonzales- Heartbeats

Friday, October 19, 2012

Busy Bee

It's been a minute since I've written, but let me tell you it's not due to laziness. This semester has been exceedingly busy for me. Between work, school, attempts at sleep, and job hunting, I haven't had too much free time. My life has become relativity scheduled and I'm not a person that likes scheduling every little thing.

I'm not taking too many classes this semester, but since I'm graduating in December, all but one class is a 4000 level: Two anthropology, one art, one geography. One anthro class has me reading at least 70 pages of articles a week, along with quizzes almost every week, and on weeks we don't have quizzes we have papers. The other anthro class has a good 50 pages of readings a week, and every week is a set of questions from the readings and then added random papers for our research. Then my art class meets 2 times a week for 3 hours a piece. We've had a different project due every week since the start of the semester and one piece takes at least 6 hours of outside of class time, and class time is mainly work time, so that's close to 12 hours a week on painting. The geography class isn't really much other than studying and tests. Then I work 20 hours a week (and I really need a second job), and have also been attempting to do some job hunting so I have something to do once I graduate. So, I've been fairly tied up in all of this, but granted, it could be worse.

Sadly, this means I haven't been able to do some things that I would have liked to. Like that table I wanted to refurbish...still haven't started. I've been looking at drawer pulls, and I may have found some that I like, but I'm not entirely sure yet. The look like this

Any thoughts? They also have a brass version too. 

I haven't been hiking in a good while either, but I think I'm going to try and make time to go this weekend. I know, I want to schedule a trip to Amicalola Falls sometime in the near future so I can start the Canyon Climbers Club. ANYWAY I'm going to try and make more time to write and such, so hopefully there will be more stuff here and the fun things I would like to do.

So I have a good number of songs I've been listening to lately....

The Lumineers- "Flowers in your hair"

The Lumineers- "Hey Ho"
(I've been listening to a lot of their stuff recently)

Head and The Heart- "Down in the Valley"

Ewert and The Two Dragons- "Good Man Down"
Ok....so first....hear me out on this next one. I know the implications of putting this particular artist up here, but I think the cover she does of this song actually does the original justice. So please....just accept me.

"Lilac Wine"- Originally by Jeff Buckley, covered by............Miley Cyrus...........yeah, I know.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lamon Luther

Lamon Luther is a local carpentry company that makes some pretty cool furniture. However, the best thing about this company, is not only the things they make, but what they have done for a community of people. I've known about this company for a little while, but I found myself visiting their website tonight, and thought I would share. :) 

Not long ago Brian Preston spoke at TEDxAtlanta. This is kind of the full story behind everything.

I can't help but be inspired by this. If you want to check out there website, you can find it here http://www.lamonluther.com/ . 

Friday, October 5, 2012

New(ish) Project!

So, I purchased this old end table/desk thing a little over a month ago with the intention of refurbishing it a bit. I'm not going to do anything structurally to it, but I am going to give it a bit of a make over. It's currently an unfortunate shade of pea green ( it's really bad...and I like green) with a brown dry brush technique over top of that. The combination of the two just make it look....dirty. Then it has these fairly lackluster, square, brass drawer handles. So, I'm going to remove the handles,attack the paint and remove it. Then after a good sanding, I'm either going to stain or paint the wood. I'm struggling with this because I HATE painted wood...I just think the natural grain and look is so much better than paint. I know a stain will change the look of the wood, but you still get to see the essence of it. However, I think because it's currently painted, I can't really look past the idea of possibly painting it. So, I have that decision to make. There is also the drawer handles to think about too. I'm trying to find a pair that I like enough to buy because depending on which handles I choose, I will probably determine if I  will paint or stain it based around the handles. I've been looking at handles for a while now, but nothing has really stood out to me. I've found a few that I like, but nothing that I love. So if anyone finds some that they find interesting send 'em my way!!

I intend to chronicle the process here once I get started on it. I will probably go ahead and start stripping the old paint off and sanding it, just to have it ready for stain/paint once I find handles that I like.

I also had this idea, seeing that pumpkin season is upon us, that I might start doing a bit of review posts. I have a few recipes that I want to try out, so I would post some pictures and tell how it went and such. So that might interest anyone who might stumble across this who happens to like pumpkin. (Sorry, Zack. I know your feelings on pumpkin ;) )

So this is I know You Care by Ellie Goulding. I'm not a particular fan of other songs she has done, but this one I really enjoy. The song is in the movie that is shown in the video. Hence Dakota Fanning. In case you were curious.