Friday, October 5, 2012

New(ish) Project!

So, I purchased this old end table/desk thing a little over a month ago with the intention of refurbishing it a bit. I'm not going to do anything structurally to it, but I am going to give it a bit of a make over. It's currently an unfortunate shade of pea green ( it's really bad...and I like green) with a brown dry brush technique over top of that. The combination of the two just make it look....dirty. Then it has these fairly lackluster, square, brass drawer handles. So, I'm going to remove the handles,attack the paint and remove it. Then after a good sanding, I'm either going to stain or paint the wood. I'm struggling with this because I HATE painted wood...I just think the natural grain and look is so much better than paint. I know a stain will change the look of the wood, but you still get to see the essence of it. However, I think because it's currently painted, I can't really look past the idea of possibly painting it. So, I have that decision to make. There is also the drawer handles to think about too. I'm trying to find a pair that I like enough to buy because depending on which handles I choose, I will probably determine if I  will paint or stain it based around the handles. I've been looking at handles for a while now, but nothing has really stood out to me. I've found a few that I like, but nothing that I love. So if anyone finds some that they find interesting send 'em my way!!

I intend to chronicle the process here once I get started on it. I will probably go ahead and start stripping the old paint off and sanding it, just to have it ready for stain/paint once I find handles that I like.

I also had this idea, seeing that pumpkin season is upon us, that I might start doing a bit of review posts. I have a few recipes that I want to try out, so I would post some pictures and tell how it went and such. So that might interest anyone who might stumble across this who happens to like pumpkin. (Sorry, Zack. I know your feelings on pumpkin ;) )

So this is I know You Care by Ellie Goulding. I'm not a particular fan of other songs she has done, but this one I really enjoy. The song is in the movie that is shown in the video. Hence Dakota Fanning. In case you were curious. 

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