Monday, August 12, 2013

My "type"

Here I am, circa 1am and I have yet to find any trace of sleep. It's always when you need it, that you can't find it, and when you don't want it, you have it.


My mind has been kind of a swarming mess the past few days. I've been thinking about several different things independently, and simultaneously. I think I've made at least three different mental notes to write which, obviously, haven't happen. Mostly because when I actually get the time to write about them, I've lost most of my thoughts from earlier in the day. This is slightly funny considering I pretty much always have some sort of journal or notebook with me at all times for this very reason. I'm very much guilty of writing little lines or thoughts on a piece of paper or in my phone of something that has struck me during the day. Out of context, it would mean nothing to anyone who read it, but I use them later for my personal journal entry's or the ones on this page. However, I've somehow managed a way to be without any of my trusty journals/notebooks this past week....but such is life I suppose.

One of the several things in my thoughts lately comes from a conversation I had with a friend of mine a couple of nights ago. From time to time, we hum and haw about the current state of our love lives. Jokingly (or, on our really bitter days, not so jokingly) about how we will be single for the rest of our lives and die alone in a house full of cats. Blah blah blah, typical single girl complaints. We talked about how we both would like to be in relationships, but time is just not on our side right now. She has the problem of falling for people who are interested, but geographically unavailable, while I on the other hand...well...I have no one who's interested. Ha! I mentioned to her not being surprised by my singleness because I don't think that I am the kind of girl guys like to date. I've kind of always thought this, and it's never really bothered me. Just something I've kind of come to see as fact rather than anything else. I've done my share of dating, probably not as much as your average Joe, but I don't actually think about it all that much. She however was kind of taken aback by my statement which surprised me. She then proceeds to tell me how I'm the "kind of girl you marry".............

what does that. even. mean.?

So I've been fumbling with this for a few days off and on. What exactly makes someone the "marrying" type? Is it a personality trait? A way of acting? A point in time? Where does this idea stem from? Ha, in a way it felt like a nice way of calling me boring.

I've thought about how I would like to get married at some point. You know, if I find someone crazy enough to put up with me. lol I'm by no means ready for it now, but someday it's something I would like. So, for her to call me that now, when I'm single, and not even dating anyone seemed strange to me. I don't think I've looked at someone and thought about whether or not they were "marriage" material. To me, that's something that develops with another person. It's something that happens together. I could be wrong, and it could be that it's different for each person, but just an interesting thing to think about.

Random side note: looking for a new journal is not as easy as I would like.

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