Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dances with Wolves

Currently, while I am procrastinating from doing my art project, I decided to watch Dances with Wolves. In my opinion, it's a very good movie. Some people have made fun of me for liking it as much as I do, but it doesn't faze me. If you want to go by IMDB standards, they rate it 8 out of 10 stars. However, if you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. At the very least, I would recommend you watch it just for the beautiful scenery, and Kevin Costners mustache. The first reason, being one of the reasons why I decided to write today. I think what first attracted me to this particular movie was the scenery. The vast landscapes of mountains, beautiful grasslands, and more are apart of the reason why I love this movie. After doing a quick search as to where the movie was filmed, I found that it was shot in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Kansas. I have never really traveled out west, but I have always wanted to. I don't really know where exactly, but I hope to make it out that way some day. Ideally, in my lifetime I would like to visit every state at least once. However, there is something about traveling west that is really appealing. I guess there is something about the idea of it being so vast and open in areas. The idea of feeling so small against something so much larger than myself, is a humbling idea. Hopefully, one day I will make it out west.

Also, this movie makes me want to learn more about Native American culture and history. The background and traditions go so far back, I think they would be fascinating. Also, I admire the idea of living off the land. Relying solely on what nature provides. I would like to learn more about they ways in which these people used their resources. Also, on a random note, it makes me want to go horseback riding as well.

There is another thing about this movie, which rings true to me. It is the idea of two people coming together, and forming a relationship. About taking the time to learn about someone else; to try and experience another way of life. Also, by not judging others for their differences but for appreciating them for those differences, and forming bonds because of the things they have in common. I think it's so important to learn about other people and cultures. There is so much we can learn from one another.

Anyway, this post really wasn't about much but hey...what are you gonna do?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A walk in the woods

Always does the heart good.

So, I'm back at home, visiting my family for a few days before Thanksgiving and I thought I would write about the little hike I took today.

I will start off by saying that I'm not particularly fond of the town I'm from. Growing up there I just never really felt like I fit in with the general population of the people. Granted now that I'm a bit older I can tolerate it more, but I still find some of its habits to be a bit silly. However, it redeemed itself a bit today.

My mom had told me about this nature area about 5 minutes away from my house, and since then I have been meaning to explore it. Well, today was that day, and it was really quite wonderful. It's not a difficult hike, nor is it really long but it was nice nonetheless. Wonderful trees, nice weather, pretty moss and such. I think it was extra nice considering that it rained a good bit last night and that meant that the stream was flowing a good bit, which just added to the beauty. Along the way, the trees clear in spots where you can walk out on to rocks in the stream, which I imagine, in the summer, will be a really nice place to lay around and stick your feet in the water. Something I may have to try.

Sometimes I forget how much I really enjoy being outside. I have not been able to do as much hiking and such as I would have liked, so I'm making it a point to do it more. It's so refreshing to be among the trees, plants, and the wildlife. Along most of the hike, I could hear a woodpecker working diligently on making a home in a nearby tree, which made me smile every time I heard it. The last time my mom had been she saw a fox, and I was hoping it might make an appearance while I was there, but alas, it was nowhere to be found. Maybe next time. :)

Anyway, it was a refreshing adventure. I imagine it will become a normal activity for me anytime I visit home.
Here are a few photos I took.

Also, I have been listening to this band named Matthew and the atlas. You should listen to them.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Hi, my name is Emily and I'm...

A romantic.
There! I said it!

Yes, I am, in fact, a romantic. I usually hate admitting this. It makes me feel super girly, and sometimes that just feels weird. However, tonight I was talking with a friend of mine about all of the romantic things I would like to experience myself, and the romantic things I would love to do for someone else. So, as a result of this conversation, I have decided to write down a list of things I would like to experience/ things I would like to do for someone else.

So, if you're not into this sort of thing feel free to ignore this.

~ I have always wanted to plan a picnic for someone. Make a few sandwiches, bring a plaid blanket (granted the color or pattern is not an essential aspect), and just have a good meal outside on a nice day. Of course, this would be a surprise :)
~ I want to plan a weekend getaway. I want to go somewhere I know they have been wanting to go and plan little things that I know they have wanted or would like to do. This would also be a surprise. They would have no idea where we are going or what we are going to do until we get there.
~ A surprise birthday party. Gather all of their friends and family and just have a party!
~ In the spirit of Christmas...I would like being kissed under the mistletoe.
~ Going on a long walk in the snow
~ I would love to make a full dinner for someone. I'm not much of a cook and I would love to be able to make one of there favorite meals, just on a random day of the week.
~ A gift from the heart. I've always thought how wonderful it would be to receive a gift that someone made. Whether that be a painting, drawing, a homemade bracelet, or a book of their favorite photos.
~ Random dancing :) I've never danced with someone, completely of their own accord
~ Flowers. I have never been given flowers, and I always thought it would be nice.
~ Watching the sunrise or sunset.
~ Make someone breakfast in bed
~ This is kind of on the same note as weekend getaway, BUT, I would also love to plan a surprise Airplane trip. Maybe fly somewhere for a day or two...just because
~ A nice evening, spent at home, by a nice fire. Maybe watch a movie or two.
~ Any sort of surprise trip to somewhere pretty. I nice hike to a wonderful view
~ Surprise road trip
~ I want to get someone that one gift that they have always wanted. The one they thought they would never get.

Well, those are the ones I can think of for now. So, I thank you if you made it through all of that, and I thank you for letting me talk about my inner girl.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lets try this again...

I have tried my hand at blogging several times in the past and never stuck with it. Why, I have no idea. I have always found writing to be very therapeutic and a way for me to filter through the on-goings in my life. Maybe the idea of a semi public forum gave me the feeling of some apprehension?...Am I worried about what others may think of my writing? I'm sure there is a laundry list of excuses I could come up with. However, it's something I have always tried to push myself to do, but until now, I have never followed through. So, today marks the day were I give this the try it really deserves because who knows, maybe this little outlet is what I need.

So, thus begins my first real attempt. Deep breath and...go.