Friday, November 18, 2011

Hi, my name is Emily and I'm...

A romantic.
There! I said it!

Yes, I am, in fact, a romantic. I usually hate admitting this. It makes me feel super girly, and sometimes that just feels weird. However, tonight I was talking with a friend of mine about all of the romantic things I would like to experience myself, and the romantic things I would love to do for someone else. So, as a result of this conversation, I have decided to write down a list of things I would like to experience/ things I would like to do for someone else.

So, if you're not into this sort of thing feel free to ignore this.

~ I have always wanted to plan a picnic for someone. Make a few sandwiches, bring a plaid blanket (granted the color or pattern is not an essential aspect), and just have a good meal outside on a nice day. Of course, this would be a surprise :)
~ I want to plan a weekend getaway. I want to go somewhere I know they have been wanting to go and plan little things that I know they have wanted or would like to do. This would also be a surprise. They would have no idea where we are going or what we are going to do until we get there.
~ A surprise birthday party. Gather all of their friends and family and just have a party!
~ In the spirit of Christmas...I would like being kissed under the mistletoe.
~ Going on a long walk in the snow
~ I would love to make a full dinner for someone. I'm not much of a cook and I would love to be able to make one of there favorite meals, just on a random day of the week.
~ A gift from the heart. I've always thought how wonderful it would be to receive a gift that someone made. Whether that be a painting, drawing, a homemade bracelet, or a book of their favorite photos.
~ Random dancing :) I've never danced with someone, completely of their own accord
~ Flowers. I have never been given flowers, and I always thought it would be nice.
~ Watching the sunrise or sunset.
~ Make someone breakfast in bed
~ This is kind of on the same note as weekend getaway, BUT, I would also love to plan a surprise Airplane trip. Maybe fly somewhere for a day or two...just because
~ A nice evening, spent at home, by a nice fire. Maybe watch a movie or two.
~ Any sort of surprise trip to somewhere pretty. I nice hike to a wonderful view
~ Surprise road trip
~ I want to get someone that one gift that they have always wanted. The one they thought they would never get.

Well, those are the ones I can think of for now. So, I thank you if you made it through all of that, and I thank you for letting me talk about my inner girl.

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