Sunday, November 20, 2011

A walk in the woods

Always does the heart good.

So, I'm back at home, visiting my family for a few days before Thanksgiving and I thought I would write about the little hike I took today.

I will start off by saying that I'm not particularly fond of the town I'm from. Growing up there I just never really felt like I fit in with the general population of the people. Granted now that I'm a bit older I can tolerate it more, but I still find some of its habits to be a bit silly. However, it redeemed itself a bit today.

My mom had told me about this nature area about 5 minutes away from my house, and since then I have been meaning to explore it. Well, today was that day, and it was really quite wonderful. It's not a difficult hike, nor is it really long but it was nice nonetheless. Wonderful trees, nice weather, pretty moss and such. I think it was extra nice considering that it rained a good bit last night and that meant that the stream was flowing a good bit, which just added to the beauty. Along the way, the trees clear in spots where you can walk out on to rocks in the stream, which I imagine, in the summer, will be a really nice place to lay around and stick your feet in the water. Something I may have to try.

Sometimes I forget how much I really enjoy being outside. I have not been able to do as much hiking and such as I would have liked, so I'm making it a point to do it more. It's so refreshing to be among the trees, plants, and the wildlife. Along most of the hike, I could hear a woodpecker working diligently on making a home in a nearby tree, which made me smile every time I heard it. The last time my mom had been she saw a fox, and I was hoping it might make an appearance while I was there, but alas, it was nowhere to be found. Maybe next time. :)

Anyway, it was a refreshing adventure. I imagine it will become a normal activity for me anytime I visit home.
Here are a few photos I took.

Also, I have been listening to this band named Matthew and the atlas. You should listen to them.

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