Friday, September 28, 2012

I've inadvertently chosen to be single?

I read an article once about how we have the exact love life that we want. When I first read that, I instantly thought "What? No way! I don't want to be single. I didn't choose to be single." However, when I kept on reading, I'd have to say that I agree.

In a nutshell, we have the exact love life we want, because we choose who and who not to be with. That fact alone, is the deciding factor. We have a choice. A choice to be with someone or not. We can choose to be with the first person who shows interest, and be in a relationship because we desperately want to be with someone, or we can wait and look around. We can date, and look for someone that we have genuine feelings for and who has those same feelings in return. We can wait and try and find someone that we have true feelings for, or we can settle. This also goes for when you are in a relationship too. You can choose to stay with someone that you don't care for anymore just because you want to be with someone, or you can break things off because you are not happy, or feeling cared for, or for whatever else. You can stay and be miserable, or you can leave and look for something else. It's all a choice, and for that reason, you have the exact love life that you want. Do you want to be with just anyone?...Yes?...No?

However, while I agree with doesn't particularly mean that I like it.....if that makes sense.

I've been single for a little over a year now. I'm ok with being single, but that doesn't mean I don't miss having someone. I miss the small things...holding hands, having someone to curl up to a night, and forehead kisses. I think some of the best ways to kiss someone is in an area that isn't expected ( and not in a dirty way lol ) But just in places you wouldn't think. It's cute, and should happen more often. Granted, I enjoy all levels of kissing :) ........that sounds dirtier than I meant it.

Is this too much? .....Oh well, continuing on.....

Even though, I would like to have a special someone, I know that because I'm willing to wait for a special someone means that I'm choosing my current love life. Ahhhhhhh well........there you have it.

P.S. Mumford and Sons new album is Awesome!
P.p.s. Art supplies are expensive.
P.p.p.s I want a dog.

Video about Guerrilla Gardening. It's pretty awesome. 

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