Saturday, December 31, 2011

Obligatory New Years Blog

Well, it's a little over two hours until we ring in the new year. How have I spent my New Years Eve, you ask? Well, I walked to the grocery store, made some awesome cheese dip, napped, saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie, and now I am currently watching Ghostbusters and about to dive into some peppermint ice cream. Later, I will probably set off some fireworks with our neighbors and maybe indulge in a beer. I know...I lead a very exciting life. Really, it's slightly overwhelming. But really, I don't really mind having a low key, maybe even slightly, boring NYE. Two years ago, my NYE consisted of me cooking most of the day, and then getting in a car wreck on my way back to campus, that totaled my car, and my NYE plans. Then, last year I was so busy I made it to my ex-boyfriends place about 10 min before the ball dropped and then worked on stuff the rest of the evening. So, this year I don't really mind just kind of laying around.

Now, I could write about my New Years Resolutions, but the truth is, I haven't really thought about it much. I have a few things in mind that I want to do in the upcoming year, but I will keep them to myself for now. I may post in a few days about some of the things I want to accomplish, or at least attempt to accomplish but for now I will keep them to myself and ponder on them a bit.

Now that I have finished talking about New Years, I will talk a bit about my adventure the other day. I would have written about it yesterday, but I caught a mysterious sickness yesterday that had me sleeping for most of the day.

So, originally, this adventure was me going hiking with a friend of mine at Tallulah Gorge. Well, we got there bright and early to get a pass to get access into the gorge, but when we arrived we were told that passes were not being given out until 10am that day. So, with about to hours to waste, we explored around a near by town until then. Once, 10 came around, my friend called in to see if they were giving out passes yet, and was promptly told that no passes were going to be given out that day. It had rained the night before and the gorge was not dry enough to allow people to hike around. So, with this information, we decided to adventure around North Carolina for the day. We (well, I guess I should say he. My friend drove, and I just occupied the passengers seat) drove quite a bit that day, but I had a lot of fun. We stopped and ate the lunches we packed, and stopped by an awesome Toy Store ; O.P. Taylors in Brevard, NC. and explored some other cool stores. Then, when we were making our way back to GA, my friends GPS took us back by way of the scenic route...through South Carolina. So...three states in one day...I would call that an adventure! The day was fairly long, but fun nonetheless. I also could not help but admire the beautiful scenery of North Carolina. I love the mountains, and I could not stop admiring the wonderful landscape. I feel that I would be perfectly content living in the mountains for the rest of my life. It will probably go on my bucket list to live in the mountains at least once in my life.

But anyway, It was fun adventure, and will think back on it fondly, and I will hope there are many more adventures in my future! That should go on my Resolution list...more adventures!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Family Relations

Well, Christmas as come and gone. Every year I travel to Tennessee and Virginia to spend the holiday with my family, and this year was no different. Luckily,  this year I got to spend a bit more time up there than usual, which was really great. I don't get to see my grandparents and other family but one or two times a year, so any time spend with them is always treasured.

This time around, however, was a bit bitter sweet for me. This year has been a bit rough for my family. Both of my grandfathers aren't doing as well as they used to. One (who I call Granddad) is losing his memory ( I'm fairly certain he doesn't remember who I am) and the other (who I call Poppa) can't really walk anymore without the use of a walker or cane, and has some other health problems. Also, a few months back, a few days before I had to leave to go to school, my uncle passed away. This isn't the first sibling on my fathers side to pass away, and my dad and my uncle were really close, so his passing hit my dad really hard. So with all of this, at times I felt, for lack of a better word,...sad. It was hard for me to see that my Granddad couldn't recall my name, and it was tough to see my Poppa struggle to walk, and it was sad to see my father get choked up at the sight of my uncles picture, but with all of this, I saw something else too.

I saw how strong relationships could be. Now, I don't only mean romantic relationships, but the relationships between family, friends, neighbors, and with the things that we enjoy as well. I couldn't help but notice the relationships that were around me this holiday. While in Virginia, two of my grandparents neighbors stopped by to wish us a happy holiday, and I saw the bond that my grandparents shared with these people. They were so kind, and I was glad to know that they are surrounded by such kind and caring people.

Also, the relationship between my Grandmom and Granddad was infectious. He told us about the day he took my Grandmom to the mountains and proposed to her. He recalled how he told her that if she said yes, that he would never let her go, and how to this day he is keeping his promise. So, while he may not remember my name, it was so amazing to see how he could still remember the day he proposed to her. It was amazing to see that, to him, their love is unforgettable.

However, I think the biggest relationship I noticed was the bonds of family. I will look back on this Christmas and think about times I spent with my family. I will remember our long games of Apples to Apples, and being in the kitchen for hours cooking five different thing at the same time. I will also remember the time spent in the garage with 3 uncles, 1 aunt, 1 cousin, and my mom talking about kitty litter cake, poop art, and laughing so hard that I cried. I will think back on the late night kitchen talk with my brother and sister -in-law, about my grandmothers mixed drinks, the annual who's taller than who with my cousins, and many band impressions of Dorf on Golf and the movie O' Brother Where Art Thou.

I saw how important relationships can be in your life. All of these things, the good and the sad, made me see how the relationships we form can impact us, and how much they really mean. I was reminded this holiday how important my relationships are and how I should not take them for granted, and how I should treasure any time I can spend with my family and friends.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Smelly Goodness!..and such.

Ok, so I found possibly the best smelling candle ever! It's from Yankee Candle and it's called Mountain Lodge. This thing smells... amazing! Unfortunately the candles are kind of expensive but it smelled so good I could not resist! If I could, I would bathe in this stuff...that's how good it smells. So, if you are in the market for a good candle...Mountain Lodge is it!

On an unrelated side note... I've been reading a good bit about Falconry. Now, traditionally, falconry is the act of hunting with the use of a trained falcon,hawk, or eagle. Now, today, there are those who practice falconry, but don't actually hunt with the birds. They use a lure of sorts with a piece of meat on the end that they move through the air to test the bird. Attempting to keep it just out of the reach of the bird to demonstrate how the bird would hunt. However, there are falconers today that still use the birds for hunting. Now, I've never gone hunting myself, but this way of hunting is really interesting to me. I'm not sure if it's the idea of working with the birds or the history behind it that interests me. It's probably a bit of both. I have always had a fascination and fondness with birds, so I have really enjoyed reading up on this. AND if you want to see a cool bird watch this video on the Lyre Bird.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

At home reflections

Time spent at home always has a way of making me reflect on things. Maybe this is because when I come back home I am introduced to all of the changes that have happened since I have been gone, and as a result I look at how my life, away from home, has changed, or is in the process of changing, as well. The changes may not be big, but they are changes nonetheless.

Today, it seems, has been a kind of reflection where I think about how different things were only a year ago. I feel different. I can't quite put my finger on why exactly I feel this way but I'm sure that it is a good different.

I feel like I'm much more independent and self sufficient than I was a year ago. I have learned how to rely on myself more within this past year. Granted, I have also become a bit more outgoing than before. Now, I am by no means an extrovert, I highly doubt I could ever not be an introvert (just in my nature), but I feel like I have made more connections with people, which I really enjoy.

Also, I am making it a point to do more things that I enjoy and have wanted to do. I think in the past year I spent more time focusing on what other people wanted, and not taking the time to do what I enjoy. I feel like I lost some of the things I really enjoyed doing, and now is the time to start doing those things again.

I also have realized that I am much stronger than what I had thought. I have been through some things in the past year that have made me realize that, while things can get hard, there is always something good that comes out of those hard times. You realize certain things that you could only understand by going through that difficult time. It's a very empowering thing. Knowing that things may be hard, but also knowing that something good will come out of's nice.

On a more specific note, I am much much closer to graduation! Well, that is if all goes according to plan. It's exciting and scary all at once. I'm in the process of figuring out what I want to do after I get out of school. I have a few different ideas that I am playing with, so we will see how that pans out.

Also, I am single this year. If I'm being honest, the breakup was expected. I felt it coming, so when it ended I wasn't really surprised. Now, how it ended exactly, I was completely taken by surprise but I have come to terms with that. You can't control the actions of others, but if I'm being honest, something needed to happen to end it. Unfortunately, I got hurt in this process but in the long run we are both better off for it. I'm ready to move forward, and hopefully find someone who cares for me the way I care for them.

As well, I feel like I am developing a closer relationship with my Dad. We have never really been close, and it's something I have always wanted. I always envied those who had a close relationship with fathers. I've wanted it so bad, but for various reasons, my father and I haven't been able to build a strong bond. However, recently I feel like we have been able to make steps towards being closer which I'm really happy about.

But overall, I am looking forward to what the next year has in store for me. I'm excited to see what happens :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Songs of note...

...See what I did there...
Anyway, this post is really nothing more that some songs/artists I have been listening to. I'm pretty big on music and love listening/discovering new music. So, I thought I would put some songs on here that I enjoy. btw...they're in no particular order.

This is Andy McKee. He is a wonderful guitarist. I suggest you watch some of his other videos as well. I think what I like about him the most is that not only does he play beautifully, it's also an experience just to watch him play.
This is City and Colour (AKA Dallas Green from Alexisonfire). Overall, I enjoy his voice and his guitar playing. This is his solo group away from his band Alexisonfire, but his solo is VERY different from his original band. I like both personally but they are two pretty different styles. Here is a link if you want to check out his other band.
The Staves! This a group that I fairly recently heard about. The way their voices bend is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait for their EP to come out on the 11th.

First Aid Kit. These two come from Sweden and are pretty awesome. I love this song, but there is one part of it that always kind of throws me off. You will know what I'm talking about when you hear it.
This group is The Fleet Foxes. This is kind of a conglomerate of two songs but I liked it. Also, this group has some pretty nice facial hair going on.
MUMFORD AND SONS! Anyone who knows me probably knows that I'm in love with this band. Here is one of their new songs! Love it!! If you want to watch a funny interview with them here's a good one

King Charles. I personally love him. He's kind of goofy and quirky but that makes it all the better!
Avett Brothers. Really...what can I say other than that they are AWESOME!
Laura Marling. Super awesome as well. Check it out! She has also done a good bit of colab work with Mumford and Sons, and Johnny Flynn. Also, she used to be a part of Noah and the Whale.
Matthew and The Atlas. Also a group I recently discovered. I believe I have posted this song before but...oh well.

Alright, I'm going to make myself stop now. I could put a few more on here but I may save them for another post.