Saturday, December 31, 2011

Obligatory New Years Blog

Well, it's a little over two hours until we ring in the new year. How have I spent my New Years Eve, you ask? Well, I walked to the grocery store, made some awesome cheese dip, napped, saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie, and now I am currently watching Ghostbusters and about to dive into some peppermint ice cream. Later, I will probably set off some fireworks with our neighbors and maybe indulge in a beer. I know...I lead a very exciting life. Really, it's slightly overwhelming. But really, I don't really mind having a low key, maybe even slightly, boring NYE. Two years ago, my NYE consisted of me cooking most of the day, and then getting in a car wreck on my way back to campus, that totaled my car, and my NYE plans. Then, last year I was so busy I made it to my ex-boyfriends place about 10 min before the ball dropped and then worked on stuff the rest of the evening. So, this year I don't really mind just kind of laying around.

Now, I could write about my New Years Resolutions, but the truth is, I haven't really thought about it much. I have a few things in mind that I want to do in the upcoming year, but I will keep them to myself for now. I may post in a few days about some of the things I want to accomplish, or at least attempt to accomplish but for now I will keep them to myself and ponder on them a bit.

Now that I have finished talking about New Years, I will talk a bit about my adventure the other day. I would have written about it yesterday, but I caught a mysterious sickness yesterday that had me sleeping for most of the day.

So, originally, this adventure was me going hiking with a friend of mine at Tallulah Gorge. Well, we got there bright and early to get a pass to get access into the gorge, but when we arrived we were told that passes were not being given out until 10am that day. So, with about to hours to waste, we explored around a near by town until then. Once, 10 came around, my friend called in to see if they were giving out passes yet, and was promptly told that no passes were going to be given out that day. It had rained the night before and the gorge was not dry enough to allow people to hike around. So, with this information, we decided to adventure around North Carolina for the day. We (well, I guess I should say he. My friend drove, and I just occupied the passengers seat) drove quite a bit that day, but I had a lot of fun. We stopped and ate the lunches we packed, and stopped by an awesome Toy Store ; O.P. Taylors in Brevard, NC. and explored some other cool stores. Then, when we were making our way back to GA, my friends GPS took us back by way of the scenic route...through South Carolina. So...three states in one day...I would call that an adventure! The day was fairly long, but fun nonetheless. I also could not help but admire the beautiful scenery of North Carolina. I love the mountains, and I could not stop admiring the wonderful landscape. I feel that I would be perfectly content living in the mountains for the rest of my life. It will probably go on my bucket list to live in the mountains at least once in my life.

But anyway, It was fun adventure, and will think back on it fondly, and I will hope there are many more adventures in my future! That should go on my Resolution list...more adventures!


  1. It appears that a job at Camp Highlander might be able to accomplish that goal on your bucket list of living in the mountains.... just saying
