Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Family Relations

Well, Christmas as come and gone. Every year I travel to Tennessee and Virginia to spend the holiday with my family, and this year was no different. Luckily,  this year I got to spend a bit more time up there than usual, which was really great. I don't get to see my grandparents and other family but one or two times a year, so any time spend with them is always treasured.

This time around, however, was a bit bitter sweet for me. This year has been a bit rough for my family. Both of my grandfathers aren't doing as well as they used to. One (who I call Granddad) is losing his memory ( I'm fairly certain he doesn't remember who I am) and the other (who I call Poppa) can't really walk anymore without the use of a walker or cane, and has some other health problems. Also, a few months back, a few days before I had to leave to go to school, my uncle passed away. This isn't the first sibling on my fathers side to pass away, and my dad and my uncle were really close, so his passing hit my dad really hard. So with all of this, at times I felt, for lack of a better word,...sad. It was hard for me to see that my Granddad couldn't recall my name, and it was tough to see my Poppa struggle to walk, and it was sad to see my father get choked up at the sight of my uncles picture, but with all of this, I saw something else too.

I saw how strong relationships could be. Now, I don't only mean romantic relationships, but the relationships between family, friends, neighbors, and with the things that we enjoy as well. I couldn't help but notice the relationships that were around me this holiday. While in Virginia, two of my grandparents neighbors stopped by to wish us a happy holiday, and I saw the bond that my grandparents shared with these people. They were so kind, and I was glad to know that they are surrounded by such kind and caring people.

Also, the relationship between my Grandmom and Granddad was infectious. He told us about the day he took my Grandmom to the mountains and proposed to her. He recalled how he told her that if she said yes, that he would never let her go, and how to this day he is keeping his promise. So, while he may not remember my name, it was so amazing to see how he could still remember the day he proposed to her. It was amazing to see that, to him, their love is unforgettable.

However, I think the biggest relationship I noticed was the bonds of family. I will look back on this Christmas and think about times I spent with my family. I will remember our long games of Apples to Apples, and being in the kitchen for hours cooking five different thing at the same time. I will also remember the time spent in the garage with 3 uncles, 1 aunt, 1 cousin, and my mom talking about kitty litter cake, poop art, and laughing so hard that I cried. I will think back on the late night kitchen talk with my brother and sister -in-law, about my grandmothers mixed drinks, the annual who's taller than who with my cousins, and many band impressions of Dorf on Golf and the movie O' Brother Where Art Thou.

I saw how important relationships can be in your life. All of these things, the good and the sad, made me see how the relationships we form can impact us, and how much they really mean. I was reminded this holiday how important my relationships are and how I should not take them for granted, and how I should treasure any time I can spend with my family and friends.

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