Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nothing of substance

Well, its a couple of days into the second semester, and I still don't feel completely prepared for classes. Granted, I guess it usually takes a little bit before you fully get into the swing of things, but this time around, for some reason, I feel particularly unprepared.

Anyway, I have been thinking about some of the things that I would like to accomplish in 2012. Now, they're not particularly mind blowing things, most I think are fairly simple but I'm going to try and do them nonetheless.
  1. Do more things that I enjoy. I feel like a lot of things I like to do got pushed aside last year and I want to make a point to do those things. I want to hike more, and since I just got a tent and such, I want  to do that as well.
  2.Take better care of myself. I mean that in an all around sense. I want to be healthier physically, personally, emotionally, etc.
  3. Read more. I love reading but I've kind of put it to the side and I have a good stack developing that I want to get through.
  4. Go on more adventures!!!
  5. Start playing my guitar again. It's another one of the things I have let slip in the past few years and I want to pick it up again. I also, at some point, want to pick up the mandolin.
  6. Write more. I've had other blogs before and have let them go by the wayside and I want to keep this one up. So far I think I've done better than before but I want to keep the momentum going. Also, I journal so I want to make sure to write in that more frequently.

And that's all I have so far.

So, this particular post wasn't much of anything but hopefully in the next few days I will have something a bit more to write about. I have had something floating in my head for a few days and have been trying to fully develop my thoughts, so hopefully something on that soon!

Also, I thought I would include this video. I thought it was pretty cool.

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