Sunday, January 1, 2012

The art of letter writing.

I love writing letters. There is just something about taking a pen to paper that I take a lot of joy in. Any chance I have, I try and write letters to my friends and loved ones. There is just something so personal and intimate about a hand written letter, that you just can't get anywhere else. I wish it were a more common practice. Granted, don't get me wrong, I enjoy e-mail and such, and see how it makes things easier, but knowing someone took the time to sit down and write you a letter just holds a different meaning. I guess, in a way, there is something kind of romantic about a hand written letter, no matter if it comes a friend or someone who is more than a friend. However, that is one of the ways to my heart...write me a letter and you get major brownie

I'm always on the search for interesting stationary. I also have looked at wax seals and such, but have yet to buy any of the supplies. However, maybe one day I will splurge and buy the supplies. Granted, if I do so, everyone I know may end up getting a letter from me, just so I can use it :) I wish I had better penmanship, though... like the pretty cursive you see in period films...that would be nice.

I think I may also make this one of my resolutions for this year. Write more letters. I don't know how many people really like hand written letters, but I think I will try and write more of them this year.

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