Friday, September 28, 2012

I've inadvertently chosen to be single?

I read an article once about how we have the exact love life that we want. When I first read that, I instantly thought "What? No way! I don't want to be single. I didn't choose to be single." However, when I kept on reading, I'd have to say that I agree.

In a nutshell, we have the exact love life we want, because we choose who and who not to be with. That fact alone, is the deciding factor. We have a choice. A choice to be with someone or not. We can choose to be with the first person who shows interest, and be in a relationship because we desperately want to be with someone, or we can wait and look around. We can date, and look for someone that we have genuine feelings for and who has those same feelings in return. We can wait and try and find someone that we have true feelings for, or we can settle. This also goes for when you are in a relationship too. You can choose to stay with someone that you don't care for anymore just because you want to be with someone, or you can break things off because you are not happy, or feeling cared for, or for whatever else. You can stay and be miserable, or you can leave and look for something else. It's all a choice, and for that reason, you have the exact love life that you want. Do you want to be with just anyone?...Yes?...No?

However, while I agree with doesn't particularly mean that I like it.....if that makes sense.

I've been single for a little over a year now. I'm ok with being single, but that doesn't mean I don't miss having someone. I miss the small things...holding hands, having someone to curl up to a night, and forehead kisses. I think some of the best ways to kiss someone is in an area that isn't expected ( and not in a dirty way lol ) But just in places you wouldn't think. It's cute, and should happen more often. Granted, I enjoy all levels of kissing :) ........that sounds dirtier than I meant it.

Is this too much? .....Oh well, continuing on.....

Even though, I would like to have a special someone, I know that because I'm willing to wait for a special someone means that I'm choosing my current love life. Ahhhhhhh well........there you have it.

P.S. Mumford and Sons new album is Awesome!
P.p.s. Art supplies are expensive.
P.p.p.s I want a dog.

Video about Guerrilla Gardening. It's pretty awesome. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


It's amazing to me how some people can be so in love. That kind of love that inspires and moves. The kind that touches the hearts of others and leaves a mark. 

Gregory Alan Isakov- The Stable Song
Greg Laswell- Comes and Goes

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Positivity is back folks!

"You can close the windows and darken your room, and you can open the windows and let light in. It is a matter of choice. Your mind is your room. Do you darken it or do you fill it with light?"

Today, I am filling my room with light :)
Happy Tuesday!
Don't think twice, it's alright! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's been THAT kind of day...

Today has been....well....tiring. Nothing outrageously bad happened, but damn I feel a bit defeated today.

I try not to let too much get to me. I'm not sure if it seems like it by reading my blog, seeing as when I'm feeling a bit off, I tend to write about it here. However, it just took that one thing to make today just kind of......dumb.

I won't go into what happened, because, again, in's not the end of the world, but I just needed to write something referencing to it.

Anyway...I found this print on Etsy, and I'm thinking about buying it....
Because it's true and I really want to go hiking.
Because Mumford makes everything awesome, and I'm really excited about their new album.
(P.S. the lyrics to this song to not represent my feelings on today...I just really like this song.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Passing Thought....

Lately, I have had this overwhelming feeling that something in my life needs to change. I need to shift something around, or change something completely.

I've been thinking about it for a while now...what I might change. I've thought of a few different things, but the one I keep coming back to is moving.

Nothing is really holding me here. I'm graduating in December, and other than my roommates consistent nagging of trying to make me stay, after that...I have the chance to make a change. I fluxuate between a major move and something more minor. I don't know what I would do as far as work goes, but I'm trying to figure that part out.

In ways, I feel like it would be silly of me not to move at this point. I've come to this rare time, when nothing and no one is keeping me in one place, and I doubt anyone or anything will come out of the woodwork wanting to keep me where I am. Would I be be a fool to pass this opportunity up?

Monday, September 10, 2012

This post doesn't have a name because I can't think of one. Sorry.

So, I'm getting to that age where my friends are starting to get engaged and married. It's a weird because I don't feel like I'm (or my friends) old enough to be at that stage of my life.When did we grow up into somewhat adults? It's interesting how people at 22 and 23 are getting married; committing themselves to another person for the rest of their life. That's a big thing to do in your early 20's...I mean that's (technically) a life time commitment, right? How do you know that it's the right decision? I guess at any point in your life, marriage is a leap of won't know if it's forever until you try. Granted, I want to (at some point) get married.

I don't particularly like to admit that I want that, but I do. I don't want it right now by any means, but in the future it would be a nice thing to have. However, sometimes I don't think it will happen for me. I don't mean it in a 'No one likes me. I'm so ugly and no one wants me. I will be forever alone.' kind of way, but in that sometimes I feel like I just won't find that person to settle down with.

I can imagine myself in a little house with a garden and a dog, but sometimes there is a guy/husband there, and sometimes there's not. I've said this to a few of my friends, and they argue with me and tell me that they see me  marrying a mountain man, having a few dogs, and kids (however, the kids are debatable). Now, I know that I am still very young and have plenty of time, but from time to time...I wonder.

    Check this out.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Autumn Excitement!

The weather today was needless to say......WONDERFUL! It doubt it went over 80 degrees, and it seemed as if there was a nice steady breeze all day. Sadly, I didn't get to soak it up as much as I would have liked since I procrastinated all weekend on my painting homework, but I did get out for a bit. Since the weather was so nice though, I did run out and grab some Autumn themed candles! The weather just reminded me that autumn is just around the corner. My favorite time of year!

I get so excited around this time of year. Autumn is possibly by far my favorite season. There is just a feeling to fall that I think does not match any other season. It's hard to describe, but it's a warmth that just grabs hold of me. I love going on walks and hikes during that time of year. The changing colors mixed with the crisp autumn air! In my opinion, there is no better feeling than that. I get so excited for all of the pumpkins, and sweaters, and festivals, and bonfires, and leaves, and colors, and......everything!

So, needless to say, I'm excited about the upcoming season. :)

p.s. The Avett Brothers are coming out with a new album on September 11, but you can listen to the full album on NPR. Here is the link in case you are interested.

And for the road
New single from Mumford and Sons new album that will also be coming out this month.