Monday, September 10, 2012

This post doesn't have a name because I can't think of one. Sorry.

So, I'm getting to that age where my friends are starting to get engaged and married. It's a weird because I don't feel like I'm (or my friends) old enough to be at that stage of my life.When did we grow up into somewhat adults? It's interesting how people at 22 and 23 are getting married; committing themselves to another person for the rest of their life. That's a big thing to do in your early 20's...I mean that's (technically) a life time commitment, right? How do you know that it's the right decision? I guess at any point in your life, marriage is a leap of won't know if it's forever until you try. Granted, I want to (at some point) get married.

I don't particularly like to admit that I want that, but I do. I don't want it right now by any means, but in the future it would be a nice thing to have. However, sometimes I don't think it will happen for me. I don't mean it in a 'No one likes me. I'm so ugly and no one wants me. I will be forever alone.' kind of way, but in that sometimes I feel like I just won't find that person to settle down with.

I can imagine myself in a little house with a garden and a dog, but sometimes there is a guy/husband there, and sometimes there's not. I've said this to a few of my friends, and they argue with me and tell me that they see me  marrying a mountain man, having a few dogs, and kids (however, the kids are debatable). Now, I know that I am still very young and have plenty of time, but from time to time...I wonder.

    Check this out.

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