Saturday, September 15, 2012

Passing Thought....

Lately, I have had this overwhelming feeling that something in my life needs to change. I need to shift something around, or change something completely.

I've been thinking about it for a while now...what I might change. I've thought of a few different things, but the one I keep coming back to is moving.

Nothing is really holding me here. I'm graduating in December, and other than my roommates consistent nagging of trying to make me stay, after that...I have the chance to make a change. I fluxuate between a major move and something more minor. I don't know what I would do as far as work goes, but I'm trying to figure that part out.

In ways, I feel like it would be silly of me not to move at this point. I've come to this rare time, when nothing and no one is keeping me in one place, and I doubt anyone or anything will come out of the woodwork wanting to keep me where I am. Would I be be a fool to pass this opportunity up?

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