Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post Christmas Ramblings

Well, Christmas has come and gone, but it was a good one! I've been kind of amazed at how fast December has gone by. I feel like at one moment it was Halloween and then I blinked and then POOF..... Christmas was here.

I've spent the majority of my holiday up in Tennessee with my grandparents. Luckily, I was also able to make it out to my other grandparents out in Virginia on Christmas Eve. Due my granddads rapid memory loss no one can really visit much,because he doesn't remember us anymore, and because of this it stresses him out when people are there for over a period of time. It's sad, but I'm glad I got to see both of my grandparents, and the rest of the family that is out that way.

But other than the usual holiday activities, I've just been spending time with family. On Sunday myself, my mother, and my aunt and uncle, decided to hike up House Mountain. I was very excited to hike, since I hadn't been able to for a while, and I had never been up house mountain, I had only ever seen it from my grandparents front porch. So, we started around 2 which was fine considering it was cloudy and around 50 degrees. We had a good pace to start with, but as we got further my mother and I slowed down a bit. Being significantly shorter than my aunt and uncle (and not as in shape), we hung a little further back. I slowed down to keep my mother company, and to be there if she needed help. The trail itself, was for the most part up hill, with what I would say is a very narrow path, and was SUPER rocky. With it being so rocky, that's what slowed me down a lot. I am not the most sure of foot, and after falling a time or two after not paying attention to where was putting my feet, I tend to take rocky paths a lot slower than I used to. In a few areas, the rocks were so big I had to climb over them because my legs were too short to reach. At one point, I had to stop and rest because I started to get very dizzy. I knew it was due to a lack of drinking enough water. So that was my fault, I know better, but it just didn't cross my mind, and I forgot my water bottle. Then as I was resting, it started to rain pretty good, which made my decision to forgo going to the top, but to turn around. The trail was already a bit muddy in places from previous rainfall, and I knew there was a storm on the way. So, as we made our way back down, the rain continued to fall making the trail muddy, and the rocks very slick. I slipped a few times, but luckily was always able to catch my balance. Surprisingly  there were a good number of people on the trail that day. Met one fellow who decided to make the hike sans shoes. I hope that worked out for him. I didn't expect to see so many on a cloudy, rainy day, but I guess great minds think alike :)
The view from House Mountain
Avett Brothers- Sanguine

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Living a life of meaning

So, since I've finished my degree, it is inevitable that one receives the question "what are you going to do now"? I give them a kind of vague response that goes something like " I'm looking for any job right now, and then going to look at big kid jobs and possibly graduate school" and hope that is sufficient enough. Now, this is my plan, but as far as what I REALLY want to do....I'm not quite sure. I've looked into things I would like to do, but I keep going back to one question....what is the purpose of this job? What does this actually do? Does it even mean anything? And that's where I get stuck.

I know this probably sounds cliche, but I want to do something that really means something. I want to do something that has an impact on someone or something. I want to do something that I am proud of, that I feel actually made an impact. I long to do something that is exciting and fulling to my life, rather than just my wallet. I feel like too often people are driven into positions that are just beneficial financially, and in that process loose a bit of who they are and loose site of how grand the world can be, or how much meaningful impact one person can have. I want my life to be rich, not in money but in experiences, adventures, in smiles, and change. I don't want to site idle by, and just watch my life float away on a breeze. I don't want my life to be reduced to only thinking about how to make more money, but I want to think about how I can make life for myself and others better and more bright. When I'm old , I want to have stories that are so sensational that my grandchildren question if they are even real. I just want to live my life in a way that has meaning. I've lost some sleep pondering this. Not stressing about it, but just reading, and researching how I can make this my reality, and just a 22 year olds far fetched idea of what her life could be like.

I understand how silly that might sound, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it lately.

Now, to get off of my rambling, I leave you to your regularly scheduled program.

Noah Gundersen- Middle of June

Sunday, December 16, 2012

So it's been a minute....

It's been quite some time since I've written anything, and for that I apologize. The last few weeks of the semester were hectic to say the least, and then after graduation I went AWOL for a bit. Oh, and yes...I officially graduated. I've tried to write a few different posts, but I just can't seem to find the right words for what's been going through my head. One of these days I will get it together and let you in, and hopefully that will be soon. However, I thought I would just check in and leave you with some good music I've been listening to lately.

Noah Gundersen- Caroline (pretty much have been listening to this on repeat)
Noah Gundersen- Jesus, Jesus 
Noah Gundersen- Fire (Notice a trend?)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Break time!

Ok, I'm taking a short break from studying to share this little tid-bit with you. I stumbled across this, and I must say I'm very excited for it. So, if you can head here and donate to help fund this awesome project! Enjoy!

As I read more and more about backpacking trips like this, the more I really want to go on one. More on that in another post!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble Gobble TURKEY!

If there is anything that I have learned about Thanksgiving, it's that if you go anywhere on Thanksgiving day, by yourself, you instantly get looks that could only equate to be saying "Aww, bless her heart". Which if you are from the south translates to, "Aww, how sad, but I'm so glad it's not me"! Needless to say I have gotten a few of those looks today. I'm spending this holiday alone, because I had to work. Now, I choose to work on Thanksgiving, in part because it's not my most favorite of holidays (nothing personal, just not a fav), but mostly because I desperately need money considering that I will be graduating in about 2 weeks, and  that my graduation day just also happens to coincide with my impending unemployment. Down side of working on campus. Anyway, I don't particularly mind being alone on this holiday. Granted, don't get me wrong, I would love to be spending time with my family, but I just don't mind being by myself. It's a little lonely, but nothing grandly upsetting. Now, when Christmas comes, there is not question I will be with my family, but for now my lone Thanksgiving consists of watching Abrham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, eating some dressing that I made, then watching a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving before getting in a nap before work at midnight.

So, to all of you out there, Happy Thanksgiving and eat a piece of pumpkin pie for me!

How to Enjoy Thanksgiving as an Adult-Mike Falzone (aka my soul mate) :p

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


If any of you happen to watch the Vlog Brothers, you will know who this is and possibly have already seen this, but for those of you who don't, and haven't, this is Hank Green. He and his brother, John Green ( Yes that really awesome writer) make really great videos. Here is one of them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Well, shit...

I'm graduating in a little over 3 weeks.........


I should be writing a paper right now, but it really just hit me. 


Mumford and Sons- Lover of the Light
James Vincent McMorrow- Sparrow and the Wolf
The Staves- Dead and Born and Grown

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Medical shit....

If there is something that I've never been good at, it's going to see a doctor when I should. I don't think seeing a doctor is a bad investment, or waste of time, but I just always assume whatever is ailing me at the time will pass with a little rest and orange juice  Then if I ever actually do go to the doctor, I usually downplay my symptoms. It's not to seem strong or tough, but just because I don't really see it as a big deal.

However, for a while now I've had this certain thing going on, that I haven't done too much about. I saw a doctor a few years ago about this issue, but I didn't push the subject too much. They said all was fine, and so I went about my business. But now...4+ years later and the problem has only gotten worse. I revisited the doctor once in this time.We didn't run any test, but they told me that I was probably ok. So, since then I've had this kind of inner struggle with feeling like something is wrong, and going on with what the doctor has said. I struggle with being persistent on the issue, because if there is nothing wrong, then I will feel silly for having pushed the issue, but if I don't and there is something wrong, it will only cause more problems later.
So, I'm kind of in this strange stage of limbo of my feelings towards whatever it is that is going on. I've made another appointment about the issue, and I hope I can get some more concrete details about what it is that is going on, but until then I will be doing a little bit of family medical history, considering I have family members that have had a similar issue. See if that helps at all....Anyway....moral of this story is that I hate dealing with medical stuff....I don't know what to do with it.

However, if there is anything I know in all of this is that, looking up your symptoms on the internet only leads to you believing that you are infested with cancer that results in you spouting a third arm, and simultaneously opening Pandora's Box.                                 Don't  do it.

Jose Gonzales- Heartbeats

Friday, October 19, 2012

Busy Bee

It's been a minute since I've written, but let me tell you it's not due to laziness. This semester has been exceedingly busy for me. Between work, school, attempts at sleep, and job hunting, I haven't had too much free time. My life has become relativity scheduled and I'm not a person that likes scheduling every little thing.

I'm not taking too many classes this semester, but since I'm graduating in December, all but one class is a 4000 level: Two anthropology, one art, one geography. One anthro class has me reading at least 70 pages of articles a week, along with quizzes almost every week, and on weeks we don't have quizzes we have papers. The other anthro class has a good 50 pages of readings a week, and every week is a set of questions from the readings and then added random papers for our research. Then my art class meets 2 times a week for 3 hours a piece. We've had a different project due every week since the start of the semester and one piece takes at least 6 hours of outside of class time, and class time is mainly work time, so that's close to 12 hours a week on painting. The geography class isn't really much other than studying and tests. Then I work 20 hours a week (and I really need a second job), and have also been attempting to do some job hunting so I have something to do once I graduate. So, I've been fairly tied up in all of this, but granted, it could be worse.

Sadly, this means I haven't been able to do some things that I would have liked to. Like that table I wanted to refurbish...still haven't started. I've been looking at drawer pulls, and I may have found some that I like, but I'm not entirely sure yet. The look like this

Any thoughts? They also have a brass version too. 

I haven't been hiking in a good while either, but I think I'm going to try and make time to go this weekend. I know, I want to schedule a trip to Amicalola Falls sometime in the near future so I can start the Canyon Climbers Club. ANYWAY I'm going to try and make more time to write and such, so hopefully there will be more stuff here and the fun things I would like to do.

So I have a good number of songs I've been listening to lately....

The Lumineers- "Flowers in your hair"

The Lumineers- "Hey Ho"
(I've been listening to a lot of their stuff recently)

Head and The Heart- "Down in the Valley"

Ewert and The Two Dragons- "Good Man Down" first....hear me out on this next one. I know the implications of putting this particular artist up here, but I think the cover she does of this song actually does the original justice. So please....just accept me.

"Lilac Wine"- Originally by Jeff Buckley, covered by............Miley Cyrus...........yeah, I know.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lamon Luther

Lamon Luther is a local carpentry company that makes some pretty cool furniture. However, the best thing about this company, is not only the things they make, but what they have done for a community of people. I've known about this company for a little while, but I found myself visiting their website tonight, and thought I would share. :) 

Not long ago Brian Preston spoke at TEDxAtlanta. This is kind of the full story behind everything.

I can't help but be inspired by this. If you want to check out there website, you can find it here . 

Friday, October 5, 2012

New(ish) Project!

So, I purchased this old end table/desk thing a little over a month ago with the intention of refurbishing it a bit. I'm not going to do anything structurally to it, but I am going to give it a bit of a make over. It's currently an unfortunate shade of pea green ( it's really bad...and I like green) with a brown dry brush technique over top of that. The combination of the two just make it look....dirty. Then it has these fairly lackluster, square, brass drawer handles. So, I'm going to remove the handles,attack the paint and remove it. Then after a good sanding, I'm either going to stain or paint the wood. I'm struggling with this because I HATE painted wood...I just think the natural grain and look is so much better than paint. I know a stain will change the look of the wood, but you still get to see the essence of it. However, I think because it's currently painted, I can't really look past the idea of possibly painting it. So, I have that decision to make. There is also the drawer handles to think about too. I'm trying to find a pair that I like enough to buy because depending on which handles I choose, I will probably determine if I  will paint or stain it based around the handles. I've been looking at handles for a while now, but nothing has really stood out to me. I've found a few that I like, but nothing that I love. So if anyone finds some that they find interesting send 'em my way!!

I intend to chronicle the process here once I get started on it. I will probably go ahead and start stripping the old paint off and sanding it, just to have it ready for stain/paint once I find handles that I like.

I also had this idea, seeing that pumpkin season is upon us, that I might start doing a bit of review posts. I have a few recipes that I want to try out, so I would post some pictures and tell how it went and such. So that might interest anyone who might stumble across this who happens to like pumpkin. (Sorry, Zack. I know your feelings on pumpkin ;) )

So this is I know You Care by Ellie Goulding. I'm not a particular fan of other songs she has done, but this one I really enjoy. The song is in the movie that is shown in the video. Hence Dakota Fanning. In case you were curious. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

I've inadvertently chosen to be single?

I read an article once about how we have the exact love life that we want. When I first read that, I instantly thought "What? No way! I don't want to be single. I didn't choose to be single." However, when I kept on reading, I'd have to say that I agree.

In a nutshell, we have the exact love life we want, because we choose who and who not to be with. That fact alone, is the deciding factor. We have a choice. A choice to be with someone or not. We can choose to be with the first person who shows interest, and be in a relationship because we desperately want to be with someone, or we can wait and look around. We can date, and look for someone that we have genuine feelings for and who has those same feelings in return. We can wait and try and find someone that we have true feelings for, or we can settle. This also goes for when you are in a relationship too. You can choose to stay with someone that you don't care for anymore just because you want to be with someone, or you can break things off because you are not happy, or feeling cared for, or for whatever else. You can stay and be miserable, or you can leave and look for something else. It's all a choice, and for that reason, you have the exact love life that you want. Do you want to be with just anyone?...Yes?...No?

However, while I agree with doesn't particularly mean that I like it.....if that makes sense.

I've been single for a little over a year now. I'm ok with being single, but that doesn't mean I don't miss having someone. I miss the small things...holding hands, having someone to curl up to a night, and forehead kisses. I think some of the best ways to kiss someone is in an area that isn't expected ( and not in a dirty way lol ) But just in places you wouldn't think. It's cute, and should happen more often. Granted, I enjoy all levels of kissing :) ........that sounds dirtier than I meant it.

Is this too much? .....Oh well, continuing on.....

Even though, I would like to have a special someone, I know that because I'm willing to wait for a special someone means that I'm choosing my current love life. Ahhhhhhh well........there you have it.

P.S. Mumford and Sons new album is Awesome!
P.p.s. Art supplies are expensive.
P.p.p.s I want a dog.

Video about Guerrilla Gardening. It's pretty awesome. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012


It's amazing to me how some people can be so in love. That kind of love that inspires and moves. The kind that touches the hearts of others and leaves a mark. 

Gregory Alan Isakov- The Stable Song
Greg Laswell- Comes and Goes

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Positivity is back folks!

"You can close the windows and darken your room, and you can open the windows and let light in. It is a matter of choice. Your mind is your room. Do you darken it or do you fill it with light?"

Today, I am filling my room with light :)
Happy Tuesday!
Don't think twice, it's alright! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's been THAT kind of day...

Today has been....well....tiring. Nothing outrageously bad happened, but damn I feel a bit defeated today.

I try not to let too much get to me. I'm not sure if it seems like it by reading my blog, seeing as when I'm feeling a bit off, I tend to write about it here. However, it just took that one thing to make today just kind of......dumb.

I won't go into what happened, because, again, in's not the end of the world, but I just needed to write something referencing to it.

Anyway...I found this print on Etsy, and I'm thinking about buying it....
Because it's true and I really want to go hiking.
Because Mumford makes everything awesome, and I'm really excited about their new album.
(P.S. the lyrics to this song to not represent my feelings on today...I just really like this song.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Passing Thought....

Lately, I have had this overwhelming feeling that something in my life needs to change. I need to shift something around, or change something completely.

I've been thinking about it for a while now...what I might change. I've thought of a few different things, but the one I keep coming back to is moving.

Nothing is really holding me here. I'm graduating in December, and other than my roommates consistent nagging of trying to make me stay, after that...I have the chance to make a change. I fluxuate between a major move and something more minor. I don't know what I would do as far as work goes, but I'm trying to figure that part out.

In ways, I feel like it would be silly of me not to move at this point. I've come to this rare time, when nothing and no one is keeping me in one place, and I doubt anyone or anything will come out of the woodwork wanting to keep me where I am. Would I be be a fool to pass this opportunity up?

Monday, September 10, 2012

This post doesn't have a name because I can't think of one. Sorry.

So, I'm getting to that age where my friends are starting to get engaged and married. It's a weird because I don't feel like I'm (or my friends) old enough to be at that stage of my life.When did we grow up into somewhat adults? It's interesting how people at 22 and 23 are getting married; committing themselves to another person for the rest of their life. That's a big thing to do in your early 20's...I mean that's (technically) a life time commitment, right? How do you know that it's the right decision? I guess at any point in your life, marriage is a leap of won't know if it's forever until you try. Granted, I want to (at some point) get married.

I don't particularly like to admit that I want that, but I do. I don't want it right now by any means, but in the future it would be a nice thing to have. However, sometimes I don't think it will happen for me. I don't mean it in a 'No one likes me. I'm so ugly and no one wants me. I will be forever alone.' kind of way, but in that sometimes I feel like I just won't find that person to settle down with.

I can imagine myself in a little house with a garden and a dog, but sometimes there is a guy/husband there, and sometimes there's not. I've said this to a few of my friends, and they argue with me and tell me that they see me  marrying a mountain man, having a few dogs, and kids (however, the kids are debatable). Now, I know that I am still very young and have plenty of time, but from time to time...I wonder.

    Check this out.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Autumn Excitement!

The weather today was needless to say......WONDERFUL! It doubt it went over 80 degrees, and it seemed as if there was a nice steady breeze all day. Sadly, I didn't get to soak it up as much as I would have liked since I procrastinated all weekend on my painting homework, but I did get out for a bit. Since the weather was so nice though, I did run out and grab some Autumn themed candles! The weather just reminded me that autumn is just around the corner. My favorite time of year!

I get so excited around this time of year. Autumn is possibly by far my favorite season. There is just a feeling to fall that I think does not match any other season. It's hard to describe, but it's a warmth that just grabs hold of me. I love going on walks and hikes during that time of year. The changing colors mixed with the crisp autumn air! In my opinion, there is no better feeling than that. I get so excited for all of the pumpkins, and sweaters, and festivals, and bonfires, and leaves, and colors, and......everything!

So, needless to say, I'm excited about the upcoming season. :)

p.s. The Avett Brothers are coming out with a new album on September 11, but you can listen to the full album on NPR. Here is the link in case you are interested.

And for the road
New single from Mumford and Sons new album that will also be coming out this month.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I'm warning you now. This may or may not be TMI. Depending on if you care to read about sex or not, read on or just disregard this post. Or just skip to the bottom and watch/listen to the song at the end of this.

I apologize in advance.

So more than once in the past few days my sex life has been brought up in conversation...and not by me. I've noticed that a good number of my friends have a fairly active sex life (or at least they try to have an active sex life) and they have no qualms talking about it. I'm not a prude really in any sense, so I don't mind hearing/talking about it, and I really have no opinion on how frequently they have sex.

However...they apparently have an opinion about how frequently I have sex.

I will go ahead and say that I am not a virgin. I never really made the choice to actively have a sex life, nor did I make the choice to stay a virgin until I got married. I told myself that I would wait until it felt right to me, and that only then would I make that choice. If it felt right to wait, I would, if not, that would be OK too. I didn't want to pressure myself in adhering to one or the other. With everything in perspective, I don't regret having sex. It felt right, so it happened. End of story.

The other thing is that I've never had sex (or done more than just kissing) with anyone that I wasn't in a relationship with or had some sort of feelings for. Again, not by choice really, but just because it never felt right any other time, but I've always been ok with that. I've never really had the urge or the need to go and have sex with just anyone, but that's just me. This is a fact that, apparently, is a foreign idea to some of my friends.

It's been almost a year since then end of my last relationship, and so that time equals about how long its been since I've last had sex. I'm really not bothered by this, however a few of my friends are. One person in particular looked like I had just hit his puppy with a baseball bat when he found out how long it had been. He even offered me a freebie because of how long it had been. -__- Number 1. What?! 2. No. 3. If I REALLY REALLY needed/wanted I wouldn't need to ask for a freebie. I'm not being conceited, but I feel like most people, if they really wanted, know someone who could fulfill that urge/need. And 4. NOOOOOOOOOO! The sad thing is he was not the only one to have this reaction.

I just do not understand this level of shock. First, it's my sex life...not yours. If you want to have sex with anyone, whenever...fine. If not, that's cool too. I don't care, just be safe and use a condom. Personally, I just don't put sex on the top of my priority list. If it happens, cool. If not, that's ok too...not a big deal. I really just do not understand that kind of reaction. I think someone even said "I'm so sorry"......Wait. Did I ask for an apology? Do I seem sad about it?....No, so please do not apologize. I'm sorry that this apparently shocks and awes you so much, but I really do not care. I've just learned that I'm a person that doesn't make that a first priority. In reference to affection, I miss holding hands and cuddling more that I do sex. Maybe, that makes an alien, but that's ok by me. Welcome to my planet, earthling.

I've been kind of obsessed with John Mayer's newest album lately. Here are a couple songs.
Shadow Days-John Mayer. I also love this video in part for the scenery. There are some pretty beautiful places in this video.

Age of Worry- John Mayer

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Theoretical Chickens

I have gotten into the bad habit lately of researching things that I have no ability to currently put into motion. Most of these things require a good bit of yard space, and I am very much lacking in that. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment on the third floor of my complex...needless to say there is no such thing as a backyard where I am at, and to boot, I am probably a good way away from being at the point in my life where I can have enough green space to do these things. I'm on the good ole Pinterest and I have a whole board dedicated to the garden I hope to have at some point in my life. I have looked up varying flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and fruits and what best conditions to grow them in. I also like to look at tool/potting sheds where I could store all of my garden tools and equipment, and I've looked at DIY projects for a garden.

May I remind you that I have NO space whatsoever to have anything that even remotely resembles a garden. I thought, maybe my town might have a community garden I can take part in, so I poked around the internet and found.......none.

THEN I have also been looking at the process of bee keeping. I've been reading about how you can start up your own hives and what kind of things you need to get started. I've even looked up how to make different kinds of honey.

Did I tell you I don't have a backyard to keep bees....or a garden?

So even with this knowledge what am I doing now? Looking at chicken coops... and chickens... and how to raise chickens.

For some time now I have been playing with the idea of having chickens. I've known a few people who have had them and have only heard good things about owning them. Not only about the benefits of being able to have home grown, fresh eggs, but that they are great pets as well. I read an article the other day where a woman said that she has one chicken that will follow her around the the house and who likes to be held. They are also a great teaching aid for children. I don't know if I want children, so I'm not sure that's a selling point for me, but I'm sure my brother will have kids so they can learn from my theoretical chickens. He's a kid person so he's bound to have one or two offspring. Also, there are some really awesome chicken coops out there. Oh, and chicken tractors. Yeah...that's a thing.

I found this coop, which the man who built it calls it his midlife crisis. Inside there is a chandelier. If you want to read how he built it, here is the link

Also, there are some really cool chicken breeds out there like the Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam that looks like this

And the White Silky Bntam that looks like this
And the Appenzeller Spitzhauben that looks like this
And last but certainly not least the Golden Laced Polish that looks like this
I mean who wouldn't want some of these roaming your backyard????

Oh, but did I mention that I have no space to have chickens? No? Well, I don't.

Clearly I keep forgetting that I don't live in the Shire.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I officially have four blog posts that are in various stages of completion...count it...4. I swear one of these days I will complete least some of them anyway.

For any Avett Brothers fans out there, they have come out with a new single called Live and Die. Here it is.

Friday, June 29, 2012

New blog title!

Well, as you may have noticed, I decided to change the title of my blog. The last title just felt a little silly to me, so I decided to change it.

Well, I guess that's all

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


You know those moments when you are just going about your day, and then suddenly you are reminded of something or someone? You could be walking a long a path and suddenly smell the honeysuckle growing in the distance and immediately a memory floods into your mind. It can feel as if you are instantly transported back to that particular memory, and for a moment, you feel as if you are reliving that event again. It is as if you are back in that time and place.

I was walking back to my apartment today when suddenly this smell filled my nose. I can't exactly describe it, but I immediately had the feeling of being back at my great grandparents house. I remember the feeling of running around outside, catching grasshoppers, and watching the cows as they grazed. When I woke up in the mornings my great grandmother would be in the kitchen making breakfast, and she would always let me cut out the biscuits. I was very young at this time, and it always made me feel grownup when she let me help.
There was a swing on the front porch that held about three people, and I remember sitting on that swing in the late afternoon with my family all gathered outside while we talked and watched as the day went by. One summer a stray cat had a litter of kittens under that porch and my cousins and I spent all summer watching and playing with them.

Even though I was young when all of this happened, the memories are still clear in my mind. I loved that house. It was old, nothing fancy, but it held the personality and love of all of my family that entered it. A few years back some of my family and I went back to that house, it was sold after my great grandmother had passed away. It wasn't the same house in the way it looked. The previous owners had let the house fall by the wayside. The grass was overgrown, the paint of the house was peeling, the wood damaged, but it still brought back all of those wonderful memories. The barn, while not in the best of shape, was still off in the distance from the house. I miss those summers. I had some great times in that old house that I would not trade for the world. 

So, as I walked back home today, my mind was filled with these wonderful memories. Maybe I will make a trip back to that house some day soon. It's been far too long. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

 I stumbled on this video and I thought it was pretty funny.
And just encase you don't know what he's talking about, here is the song/video he is referencing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

That Summer...

So, in less than an hour, it will be my final day of my MayMester class. It was an exceedingly interesting class, but I have to say that I am glad to see it come to an end. However, after that my summer officially starts! Now, I don't really have too many concrete plans this summer other than work, just a few things here and there, so I am in the process of finding some things to fill up my extra time. Other than moving in to my apartment in a little over a week, I know I will start training to run a 5K, attempt to learn how to cook, and catch up on A LOT of reading that I did not have time for during the semester. I really love to read so I always hate when I can't do all the recreational reading I would like. BUT that's all I've got so far.I do have some craft projects that I want to do, and I might chronicle those here. I want to try and blog more this summer too, along with the other things. However, while I do have all of the projects and such that I would like to do, I can't help but think about all of the places I would like to travel to this summer.

The majority of my summers have been mediocre, nothing special really. The thing about that though, is that I haven't really noticed until now. I was thinking about it today, and I have never really had a summer where I can look back and say "Wow, that was great"! And maybe I'm thinking about it now because I don't know where I will be next summer, or if I will have the opportunity again to have one of those movie worthy summers. I want to have a summer that I can look back on and say that it was one of the best times of my life...

 I want to have that one summer to define all summers. The summer that is the epitome of adventure, and one where I feel like I really lived. The summer that made me feel so alive, that I could die knowing that, at least one time in my life that, I took full advantage of what life had to offer. I want that summer that, if I wrote it all down, would be a novel of sunshine and breezes, of laughter and stars, of waves and friends, of road maps and tress, of love and life. That summer that makes your heart race with excitement just to remember. It might be a summer of dreams, one that could only be accomplished in a state of sleep, but why not try? I want to go on the road trip I have always dreamed of. The one that goes across country, and stops at all the sites that I've wanted to see, and explore all those places that don't come with a brochure. I want to walk along the shore of an ocean with crystal blue water; the kind of blue that is so beautiful that you wonder if it's real. I want to climb mountains, and spend the night among the trees, crickets, and stars. I want to do something so terrifying, so exhilarating, that it feels like your heart might stop from pure excitement. That summer that inspires so many inside jokes, you would need a notebook to remember them all. The summer that your cheeks hurt everyday from laughter so hard that you cry. That summer, where rainy days are days to sit on the porch and read a book, or to curl up next to someone you care about. Or hell, the days that you make out with your significant other in the rain like no one is watching. I want to meet the people that you only thought existed in books, and the people that, with one conversation, can change the way you see the world. I want that summer that where I am surrounded by those I care about the most.

       I want a summer where I can really learn, live, and love.

                             I want that summer.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh the times, they are a changin'...

Well, it's the last week of the semester. To be precise, I have 3 more days until the last day of classes, and 5 days until my last day of work, and it's all kind of bitter sweet.

I more than welcome the end of this semester in the sense that this year has been rough. A lot of changes happened this year, and while all of these changes were not all bad (some were extremely welcomed) they definitely tested me. I have had a good few hurtles to overcome, but they have made me stronger in the end. I know now that I can handle much more than I had once thought, and that is a welcomed realization. On the flip side, I am MORE than ready for a break. I am ready for things to settle down a bit. I do have a Maymester class that will start in a little over a week, but after that no classes for the rest of the summer! After this summer then I will officially start my last semester of my undergraduate career! It's both exciting and... slightly terrifying. I do not feel like I am old enough to be graduating ( I'm only 21! ...22 on June 5th). It seems that college has flown by, and part of me is wondering where I was while it was happening. In ways, I am not ready to graduate, but in others I welcome it with open arms. I actually would have graduated this semester, but I was put back by some changes that happened with my department. So, I will be going to graduation this year, but it will be to support my friends that made it through. One friend in particular I have known since 9th grade, and she was also my freshman year roommate. It will be bitter sweet to see her graduate, but I am so happy that I will be able to be there for her.

 I also will be starting my new job in May which I'm happy about. It's not a super fancy job or anything, but it will be something to pay for gas to put in my car. It will be weird not returning in the fall as an RA. I've done it for a while now (this will conclude my 3rd year) and it has become very familiar to me. I know that I might not always sound like I enjoy my job, but I really have learned so much from it. I've met some really great people, and some not so great people. However, there are some that I feel really lucky to have met, and I hope to keep these friendships in the long term.

To boot with all of this, I signed my first lease! I'm excited to have an apartment, but I know it will be weird too. In all of my college career, I have never had my own bathroom, or a kitchen at that. I'm excited to start cooking more, and having some kick ass movie nights. I will be moving in at the beginning of June, and overall I'm pretty excited.

So, things are changing...let's see what this new adventure has in store!

I've decided that I'm going to make putting videos at the end of each post a thing....yeah, it's a thing now.
The Cinematic Orchestra- To Build A Home

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring Daydreams

Well, it's a pretty Sunday afternoon (oh, Happy Easter to those who celebrate) and I am confined to my room doing homework, as I have been this entire weekend. This is the unfortunate side effect of the end of the school semester. It's that time were all of the professors realize that we only have about two full weeks to complete everything, so they give you about 3 assignments a piece to finish in that amount of time. Thus, ciaos ensues.

The hardest thing about these next few weeks will not necessarily be the amount of work I will have to complete, but suppressing the consistent daydreams and the urge to spend my time outside in the wonderful spring weather. It's currently 77 degrees, and sunny, which makes it particularly hard to focus on the work I still have to complete.

It's been a pretty even fight today between my homework and my daydreams. I've opened my blinds to let the sunlight in and help my orchids bloom. I have been watching one of my orchid buds slowly open today, which has been fun to watch while working. I have also been on a kick of listening to the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Steve Martin, and Nickel Creek. This definitely has not helped suppress my daydreams today. I keep thinking about spending the day outside, going on a nice road trip to a destination unknown. Something vast, and open, untouched by industry, and little interaction with human alteration. I want to lay in tall grass and absorb the sun and sky. If I had a dog, he (or she) would be by my side, running freely. Or, spending the day next to a flowing stream, or slow moving river. Sitting a rock, while sliding my feet into the water. With the influence of my music choices today, if i could play the banjo or mandolin, an instrument would be present, playing softly. I also imagine myself writing letters to my loved ones, on handmade stationary. I would say in this place all through the morning and afternoon, and into the night. I would watch as the sun set, and welcome its descent, for I know it will rise again in the morning. I would stay even after the sun has gone, and wait for the lightning bugs to appear. I would watch as their lights would dance against the dark, and indulge in my childish desires and catch one or two just to see the light up close, and then release them so that they could continue dancing. After a while, I would then reluctantly take my leave from this place, and let it rest for the evening, but hope that I would return soon.

So, that is just part of the many daydreams I have been having today. I hope to be able enjoy this wonderful weather soon, and absorb a bit of spring.

Because I always have to share videos:
This is a really great song by Steve Martin. He talks a bit before the song starts, so if you just want to hear the song, just skip to about 2:20

The Vespers- Just heard this song today, but the banjo playing in it is pretty good.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

So, I stumbled across this video some time ago, and I thought it was pretty awesome. I have never rock climbed before, but wow...she makes it look so effortless. It's amazing to see the amount of strength this takes, and she's only 18.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Long time, no blog.

So it's been sometime since I last blogged. Well, kind of...I wrote one maybe a week ago, but deleted it because it was pretty useless. Granted, not to say that this one will be much better.

So this week as been spring break for my university, and it's been rather uneventful. I went home for a few days which consisted of me showing a friend of mine around my home town, playing Super Mario Brothers and Super Smash Brothers Brawl, eating cupcakes, and tormenting my cat. However, I did discover a wonderful candle! It's called Emberlight by Yankee Candle and it smells exactly like a campfire AKA one of the best smells on the planet. I refrained from buy it...for now. I'm holding back on my candle/incense purchases till I know for sure if I'm getting an apartment (which has been an unfortunate source of stress lately). The only downside to this Emberlight candle would be that my room would constantly smell like it's burning down...oh well, I can look past that.

Other than my candle discovery, I have spent the majority of my break working on art projects. I have been staying in my room on campus so I can use the art building to work on my ceramics project, which is coming along a bit better than my first project in that class. I'm crossing my fingers that it continues that way seeing as I'm not finished just yet. I have to say that I really enjoy the campus when its empty. There is an air about it that is really nice. The only downside is that after a while, living in a building completely void of any human life gets a bit creepy after a while. Every noise that comes from outside of my room, immediately has me searching  for a weapon that I could use to fight with against whatever zombie, big foot, or lochness monster lies outside of my room. Luckily, I have not yet mistaken the random maintenance man, or campus cop for any of those things...yet.

And that basically sums up my break so far. I did finally watch The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. Not to shabby of a movie, but a lot more nakedness than I had expected.

And since I am obsessed with Youtube videos I leave you with this. This girl is only 15...what the poop?! This is her cover of Bon Iver's Skinny Love.

And this... Bon Iver's cover of I can't make you love me.
And one for the's short. promise. Wait for the end :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Relationships are a tricky business.

I have noticed a pattern in a particular subject that as been popping up around me recently. That subject being... Relationships. I have had a large number of friends that have just entered, just got out of, or just entered a very serious point in their relationship. Now these conversations have had various forms and they haven't been looking at the same aspects of relationships (romantic relationships, in case I need to clarify) but it has sparked some thought on my part.

The first thing being the people we choose (and I use that term loosely) to like or be attracted to. We have this certain criteria, or a list of things we look for in a partner, and we apply these things to the people we meet to see if there is potential for a relationship. However, then there are the cases where we are attracted to someone, but they don't necessarily have those particular qualities that we thought we were looking for, but somehow the relationship works. Then there are those people who have all the qualities that we look for in a partner, but for some reason or another, we aren't attracted to them. Apparently there is some component that can make or break a relationship, and I have no clue what that component is. There is some essential bit that can make a relationship work, when in other scenarios, it would have no chance, or it can prevent one from even occurring, when it would otherwise make perfect sense for a relationship to form. I don't know about you, but that's pretty big stuff. It's strange to me that I can't put my finger on what that component is.

The next thing being how people actually get together. It's a funny thing how some people get together very quickly, or over a long period of time. There are those people that get together after a couple of weeks, and then there are people who get together after many many months or even years. Then there is this other component of the "courting" process; you know, the flirting, or going on dates, or what have you. Sometimes it's so strange. How some people show interest can be so unbelievably different from others, it's amazing. Now personally, I'm really, and I mean REALLY, bad at telling if someone is interested in me. I will be the first to admit I can be kind of dense in that area. However, I tend to think that I am sadly kind of obvious when I am interested in someone. I don't know if that is true or not, but I always feel like I am super obvious, and therefore feel kind of silly about it at times. ANYWAY.

Then comes the process of actually communicating your feelings. You know, the kind of literal, "Hey...Guess what"? "What"? " I like you". "Awesome. I like you too". This process, at least for me, is the hardest. There is this whole process of working your way to that point where you feel like you want, or need, to express your feelings, but then there is also this kind of awkward component of how you do that. You know, do you wait for the other person to say something first? Do you say something first? Are you straight forward, or do you feel around for the right moment? So many variations! Personally, I am awful at this. I am such a pansy when it comes to telling someone I like them. Since I can be pretty dense about assessing someone else's feelings toward me, I tend to second guess whether or not someone might like me. This, therefore, results in me, often times, not saying a word. I usually just hope that if the other person has feelings towards me, and that they will say something first. I'm not sure if this comes from fear of rejection, or rather a fear of looking like an idiot. I can recall telling one person that I liked them first, and while he didn't have the same feelings, we actually became better friends after that. So, I'm not particularly sure why I have this apprehension, because I really haven't had a particularly bad experience. AND I'm not one of those girls that thinks the guy should have to say something first, although I have had people tell me to wait for the guy to say something as to not appear threatening. That is an interesting concept to me. Is that true? Is it threatening if a girl admits her feelings first? I think it's a silly idea, but who knows. 

So, in short, this has been a very interesting pattern of conversation in my life as of late. I know there are probably no answers for any of the questions or ponderings, but it is definitely interesting to think about.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Reality of Growing Up.

It has been brought to my attention recently that I am, in fact, growing up. I'm starting to have to make these semi-adult decisions about where I am going to go after I graduate college, what kind of job I want, where I want to live, what kind of dog I will get when I have the know...that sort of thing.
It's a very strange experience. I don't feel like I'm old enough to be having to make these decisions, but recently I have been trying to find the answers to these grownup questions.

I will be graduating soon (*hopefully*) with a bachelors degree in Anthropology. What do I want to do with that, you ask?....nothing. Yeah, I'm getting a degree in a field that I don't really want to go in to full time. The story behind that is kind of long, but basically I found out a bit too late that I didn't want to be an anthropologist, or anything of the sort. I find the subject very interesting, but I don't think it's the career path for me. So, when people find out this little tid bit of info, then next question usually is, well...what do you want to do then? Good question. That is one of the things I have been asking myself. Now, I dabble in photography, and those who know me then usually assume that I want to purse that as my career. I thought I might want to go into that field, but I'm starting to think that I would rather keep that for myself. I'm starting to find that the more I force myself to do "professional" jobs, I beat myself up over the result and it, at times, causes me more worry than it does anything else. I like taking photos for friends, so I won't stop doing that, but I think I would rather keep this as a hobby. So, what AM I going to do? Well, I've been thinking about going into counseling. It's something I had thought about before, but didn't really look into it too much. Over the past few years, I have held a job that has, at times, put me in a kind of counseling role, which I have found that I really enjoy. I like helping people, which I know sounds like a fortune cookie response, but it's the truth. SO with this, I have been having to look at Graduate school, something I NEVER thought I would do. I will probably end up staying at my current university for Grad school due to a few different reasons. Sadly, the biggest reason being that it will be cheaper for me to stay where I am. I looked at possibly applying to Oregon State University's counseling program, but sadly I know I a could not afford to go out of state. I've never been to Oregon, but I always had this kind of day dream of living there, or possibly Washington. Which, if you want to see video that will make you want to move to Washington tomorrow, watch this:

So with this, it has lead me to think about where I might want to end up. Where do I want to live once I have figured out what I'm going to do with my life? Now, this isn't necessarily a question that has to be answered right away, but it's something I should think about. Do I want to stay in Georgia, or do I want to try and go out of state? Do I possibly want to try and move out to Oregon, or Washington, or somewhere of the like? I have a tendency to day dream, so I've had these images running through my head about where I see myself in a few years. It usually ends up with me living in or near the mountains, in a small house with a garden with some extra land, and a dog. Sometimes there is a boy included in that, but I can't really control that part of my life. I would like to be able to share this with a boyfriend/husband or whatever, but that's not really something you can plan. I can hope I will find someone to share this with, but that's another blog post for another day. Now, as for a dog, I'm itching to get one. I have had this bad habit recently of searching around town at different dogs. I LOVE big dogs, so as for a specific breed I'm not sure about. However, the top three breeds I have been looking at a lot lately have been Huskies, Great Danes, and Great Pyrenees, which if you don't know what a Great Pyrenees looks like, just imagine a Polar Bear in dog form.

But anyway, this has been the kind of theme of my life as of late. I'm not sure exactly how things will pan out, but it will interesting to see.

Monday, February 20, 2012

yeah...another video.

I realize that I post videos a lot. I recognize and accept this about myself.

I really hope this is a true story because it's pretty funny.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lollipop Moment

I thought this was a pretty awesome TED talk. So, I thought I would share.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Inspiration Deficiency

So it's been a while since I have written anything. Now, this is not to say that I haven't started a good many blog posts, because I have. I have started some, then deleted them. I have completed some, then after reading them, decided that they didn't convey my thoughts properly, or thought they were too personal. Who knows, I may even delete this one after I am finished.

I have noticed an unfortunate pattern as of late. That pattern being that I have been having a lack of inspiration lately. I don't know if it comes from feeling to forced to be creative, or if I have just been pushing too many personal and work/class projects together, but its really starting to get to me. I don't consider myself a "artist" I don't think my work is really worthy or that title, but I would rather say I'm a participant in the art process, and lately, my participation grade has only been so so. I'm currently taking two art classes and I haven't really been feeling the spark of inspiration. I can't seem to produce anything that I'm really proud of. Now, I have only had one project in both of these classes so I could have some sort of come back, and be struck with the inspiration stick, but for now it's nowhere to be found. Even in my personal projects, I have not been happy with the product. I have been trying to edit some engagement photos for a bit of time now, and I'm just not particularly happy with the photos I'm producing. I have had other people talk to me about possibly want me to take some photos for them, and as of right now, I don't really have much faith in my ability to do so.

I'm not quite sure how to wash away this funk. I've been debating if I just need to get away; go on a mini vacation, take a short trip, go for a long hike, or maybe just go home for a weekend (although I don't think that would clear my head any). Anyway, I'm going to try and keep positive, and just hope that I can shake this funk.

On a different note, for those out there that are fans of the Hunger Games series, this song by Taylor Swift and the Civil Wars has been released. Now, normally I am not a fan of Taylor Swift, BUT I am a big fan of the Civil Wars, and if feel like they have a stronger influence on the song, even though Taylor is the main voice on it. 
And here is one of my favorite songs by The Civil Wars if you want to check them out.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I posted this a bit ago, but I accidentally deleted it so I'm posting it again.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Emily- Professional Adventurer at your service!

If only one could make a living as a professional adventurer! Unfortunately, I have yet to see a college course entitled adventuring 1001.

A friend of mine and I were talking tonight about places we want to go, and things we want to experience. Over the course of the conversation I started to daydream about a life where I could go to amazing places, and have once in a lifetime experiences. I constantly find myself looking at images, and reading about exotic destinations and the things that make life extraordinary. There are so many things our world has to offer, and so many places where you are in complete awe of the things that surround you. I want to see it all. I want to experience it all. I want to go sky diving, and hang gilding, and scuba diving, and climb mountains, and see... a bear in it's natural habitat, and not behind glass in a zoo. I want to see deserts, and fields, and mountains, and marshes, and lakes, and oceans. I want to absorb different cultures, and people, and sights, and smells, and food! I want to experience it all! Or, at least as much as I can. I feel like at times we take our world for granted. I think we can easily get wrapped up in the mundane day to day nonsense, myself included. We get wrapped up in problems at work, or with friends and family, and we forget to look around and see the kind of amazing place we live in. We forget to take the time and look and experience all the things that life has to offer.

There are so many wonderful places I want to go. I can only hope to be able to visit half. Hence why I wish I could be a professional adventurer, to make my living

The thing that kind of sparked all of this was this image.
This is Ellisons Cave in Walker County, on Pigeon Mountain in Northwest Georgia. It is the 12th deepest cave in the US, and it is over 12 miles long. How awesome is this!! I couldn't help but think how amazing it would be to go caving here. Now, I have no experience with caving whatsoever, so it's highly unlikely that I would be able to go anytime soon, but how great would it be to see this in person!